Editorial cartooning

UPenn Lays Off Cartoonist Mr. Fish

Days after the Trump Administration froze $175 million in federal funding the University of Pennsylvania has terminated the employment of progressive Lecturer (and Cartoonist) Dwayne Booth, aka Mr. Fish.

From the Mr. Fish Patreon page:

I was informed that the reason for the termination was budgetary, which I think is the same reason they gave to Jesus just before they crucified him, and Malcolm X just before they shot him, and what they told Eugene Debs, Susan B. Anthony, and Lenny Bruce just before jailing them. I jest, of course. The reality – and something that, unfortunately, is not unique to Penn – is that colleges and universities nationwide have been way too complicit with the largely Republican-led efforts to target students and faculty members engaged in any and all speech rendered in support of trans/black/immigrant, and women’s rights, free speech, the independent press, academic freedom, and medical research – speech that also voices bold criticism of right-wing nationalism, genocide, apartheid, fascism, and specifically the Israeli assault on Palestine. In fact, the University of Pennsylvania has spent the last year and a half willfully handing over the private emails of professors and students to congressional committees tasked with crushing open debate, honest inquiry, and dissent on the campus and then targeting those who refuse to cooperate with these draconian censorship tactics by threatening them with suspension, expulsion, or dismissal.

Mr. Fish

Mr. Fish has supported the Palestinians in the Israeli-Gaza War.

Or, as the far right Washington Free Beacon headlines it: University of Pennsylvania Lays Off Anti-Semitic Cartoonist After Trump Slashes Hundreds of Millions in Federal Funding

Mr. Fish
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Comments 11

  1. “…me and the provost get to keep…”
    This guy obviously has no business at an Ivy League school.

    1. You’d better stay away from Mark Twain and Damon Runyon. Keep to the Ivy League linguistic purists like DJ Trump.

  2. We might as well accept the inescapable conclusion that one cannot criticize Netanyahu without being accused of antisemitism or Trump without being accused of being anti-American. That said, I am very disappointed in both Columbia and UPenn for submitting to Republicans ukases.

    1. What was curious is that Booth never criticized Hamas or Hezbollah, or criticize any other country apart from the US and Israel. I’ve seen many people criticize Trump without being accused of being “anti-American”- the Simpsons has been criticizing Trump for years.

  3. I am building a secret annex in my attic, so I can hide a little Jewish girl and her family, when the orange Stormtroopers start round rounding them up

    1. Shame U Penn waited so long to protect Jewish students from being harassed and threatened by “pro Palestinian” events and groups. I’m putting “Pro Palestinian” in quotes because I’ve never seen those groups and events criticize Hamas for killing Palestinians and Palestinian children.

      1. Few people in the US know the truth about Israel. The US news doesn’t cover it. 1948 6 percent,Jews, got 60 percent of the Palestinians land , and almost all of the water rights. The Jews forced almost a million Palestinians off their lands, “ justified” by Western governments; the UN. The two state deal( robbery). Long live the freedom fighters . I don’t condone any religion. Just a bunch of gang members.

    1. Stand in the unemployment line you mean? Mr Fish/Dwayne Booth isn’t a very imaginative cartoonist. Over the course of several months I saw him use the same themes over and over. If he wants to attack Israel he can do it without showing Israelis and Netanyahu with bloody hands, drinking blood, driving over or standing on skulls, killing children or using the word “genocide”. He uses a lot of Nazi imagery too in his attacks on Trump.

  4. This news is not surprising to me as I’ve been documenting the antisemitism in Booth’s cartoons for over a year. There were articles about the complaints about his cartoons showing Israelis drinking blood (as in the cartoon on this page) and killing holding guns to the head of babies in intensive care in hospitals. He persisted in depicting hateful tropes in regards to Israel and Netanyahu, including several more cartoons showing Israel or Netanyahu killing small children, Israelis in scooters dressed for vacations driving over skulls in Gaza and a rip off of a pop op Lichenstein painting showing an Israeli jet exploding bodies with the lettered sound effect “genocide!” During the election he posted a particularly gruesome cartoon of Kamala Harris holding the skull of a dead child up to her face. I asked him on Instagram why he used the same themes over and over and didn’t criticize Hamas or Hezbollah and never addressed any other conflict or country (apart from the US and Israel). It was like he never read the news.

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