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Steven Appleby exhibit

Glenn Marshall Reviews the Steven Appleby Exhibit

Glenn Marshall took a guided tour through Steven Appleby‘s exhibit Nothing Is Real and writes up a review for Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation website. He begins: I escaped from reality for a couple of hours last week and entered the wonderful world of Steven Appleby at Space Station Sixty Five gallery where I went on a […]

Flash Gordon: Lowland Station Tales by Dan Schkade and Guests

Cartoonist Dan Schkade is taking a break from drawing the Flash Gordon comic strip. His new Lowland Station Tales episode that started February 10, 2025 begins with an introduction written and drawn by Dan. But after that introductory week the following individual week-long chapters are being drawn by guest artists. First up is “The Gladiator” […]

CSotD: Fine-Tuning the Hickory Stick

Danziger tells us what we ought to already know, but “ought to” is critical, because there are way too many people — by which I mean voters — who have no idea how schools work or why we have a Department of Education in the first place. The notion that Trump/Musk are bringing an end […]

The Freep Gannett 34 Exemption

During an email exchange (Hi Grant) it was revealed to me that the Detroit Free Press (Freep) was a part of the Gannett/USA Today Network that was not following corporate orders to run some combination of The Gannett 34. The full daily Gannett comics lineup of 33 (no Sunday only Foxtrot) below. Instead the Detroit […]

Former King Features Comics Editor Tea Fougner Interviewed

TCJ: In your experience, how has the role of a syndicate changed from 2008–2009 to now? TEA FOUGNER: I’d just like to set the stage a little bit for folks who aren’t familiar with how syndication works. Syndication is a way for syndication clients (usually newspapers, but increasingly websites and other digital clients) to bring […]

CSotD: Boos and Bravos

I’m picky when it comes to variations on the old fish-swallowing-fish concept. First, it needs to be applicable, and, in this case, it is: Trump has swallowed the Republican Party — as demonstrated by the confirmations of his unqualified cabinet — and Musk is clearly in charge of Trump, as demonstrated by that jaw-dropping spectacle […]

The New Yorker Vol. 1 No.1 – The Drawings

The first issue of The New Yorker was cover dated February 21, 1925. But as we all know periodicals are on the newsstands, and newsstands were prolific in 1925 unlike today, several days, sometimes even weeks, before the date printed on magazine covers. From Defining New Yorker Humor by Judith Yaross Lee: [T]he first issue […]

Cartoon Cavalcade – A Roundup

Editorial cartooning, caricaturing, graphic noveling, webcomicing, comic stripping – we cover the bases. Martin Rowson, British cartoonist for The Guardian who occasionally shows up in Mike Peterson’s columns, has deceided to celebrate his 66th birthday by reducing his output to once a week: Just so you know, from 15th February 2025 I’m cutting back to […]

CSotD: Tragedy Tomorrow, Comedy Tonight

There’s plenty of politics, so we’ll do comedy instead. The woman in Batch Rejection echoes my thoughts even without the Doge Boys penetrating government sites. My computer continually pesters me to put everything up in the Cloud, and even though I don’t, I’ll occasionally start to pay for something and discover they know my credit […]

Prince Valiant Title Panels 2020 – 2025

A while back a request was made (and I apologize to whoever made it for losing the message and name) to update our Prince Valiant Title Panel 2014 – 2020 post. A promise was made to do so when Thomas Yeates created a new title panel for the Prince Valiant comic strip. After 22 months […]

Comic Strip Caravan

Unfortunate Truths An unfortunate truth from WuMo: Background on lorem ipsum from Jack Shepard. Not to be confused with Charles Brubaker’s Lauren Ipsum. On a related journalistic note from Susie MacNelly and Ben Lansing and Shoe: The above comes with my repeated plea for GoComics to replace the Gary Brookins credit above the comic strip […]

Vikatan controversial cartoon

Vikatan Magazine Blocked After Cover Cartoon Published

The Indian weekly magazine Vikatan is allegedly been blocked by the Indian government due to a complaint filed by the Bharatiya Janata Party president after an unflattering cartoon was published on the cover. The cartoon, responding to reports that Indians deported from the US are being handcuffed, depicts Prime Minister Narendra Modi in handcuffs alongside […]

Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman collaborate

Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman Collaborate on Gaza Comic

The first of three cartoons by comic journalist Joe Sacco and graphic novelist Art Spiegelman, part of a collaboration on the topic of Gaza, has been published. Last month, news broke that the two had teamed up on a major graphic novel about Gaza. However, Art later clarified that his comment was misunderstood—the work he […]

CSotD: A Series of Short Sunday Sermons

Yesterday I featured JD Crowe’s cartoon of Musk with baby Trump on his shoulders, noting that there were several variations going around. I’ve seen so many of them that I was tempted to do a whole day of nothing else, but decided that sarcastic repetition doesn’t make much of a point. Ditto lately with cartoons […]


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