Henry Payne Faces Backlash Over Claims of Drawing “Racist” Cartoon of U.S. Rep. Tlaib – Updated
Skip to commentsEditorial cartoonist Henry Payne is being charged with drawing a “racist” cartoon that seems to imply that U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian American, is a member of Hezbollah.
A Detroit News auto industry reporter who moonlights as a political cartoonist is being criticized for appearing to imply that U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib is a member of Hezbollah, which critics have labeled as “racist,” “xenophobic,” “vile,” and “disgusting.”
The illustration depicts Tlaib at her desk next to the charred remains of an electronic device with a thought balloon reading, “Odd, my pager just exploded.” The cartoon is a reference to a recent attack against the Lebanese organization Hezbollah that is believed to have been orchestrated by Israel, in which beepers and walkie-talkies were modified to act as remote-controlled explosives.

Mediaite, “a trusted source for news on the intersection of media and politics,” also picked up the story:
The Detroit News* and National Review faced harsh backlash for publishing a political cartoon connecting Rep. Rashida Tlaib (R-MI) [sic – Tlaib is D-MI] to the pager bombs in Lebanon and Syria.
*Fact check: The Reuters’ story reports that,
“The Detroit News said it was not involved in [the cartoon’s] creation and distribution, and chose not to run it.”
Mediaite carries a number of tweets denouncing the cartoon, including from Tlaid herself.

IF the cartoon ever ran at Henry Payne’s GoComics page, it has been taken down now.

UPDATE September 21, 2024
Simon Shaykhet of WXYZ-TV from Detroit reports with comments from Payne and The Detroit News:
A cartoon that recently was published by the National Review is sparking outrage and backlash from community members and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib.
This cartoon was created by Henry Payne, who also happens to be a Detroit News auto columnist.
I did reach Payne by phone who told me “Jews are under an existential threat from Iran and its Hamas-Hezbollah proxies not seen since WWII … my cartoons for Andrews McNeel have been consistently critical of Rep. Tlaib’s lack of Congressional leadership in failing to support Israel’s battle for survival.”
The Detroit News tells me they do not plan to remove Payne or discipline him in any way for making the cartoon.
However, they say Payne was asked to discontinue use of the Detroit News email and agreed, when working for other publications, given that the Detroit News has nothing to do with creation of this cartoon.
As of this writing the cartoon remains on the National Review site.

Another Update September 22, 2024:
(Set up in a new post) Cartoonist Payne has replied to a Deadline Detroit request for a response about the cartoon by linking Rep. Rashida Tlaid to infamous Michigan segregationist Orville Hubbard.
Henry Edmondson Payne IV has been a cartoonist since the first half of the 1980s while attending Princeton. After college he was hired by The Charleston (W.V.) Daily Mail. In 1986 he moved to Washington D.C. as cartoonist and editor for Scripps Howard News Service, and getting his cartoons syndicated by the Scripps Howard-owned United Feature Syndicate in 1987. In 1999 Payne moved to Michigan and The Detroit News (until 1985 a Scripps newspaper) as cartoonist and columnist. His staff cartooning there lasted until 2013 when The News discontinued that job opting to go with syndicated cartoons; though the paper kept Payne on as columnist. (Henry had been an auto racing enthusiast with his father almost as long as he had been a cartoonist.) Payne continues to live in the suburbs of Detroit and is well aware of local politics.

to The West Virginia Encyclopedia for the Henry Payne career information
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