Feudin’ in the ‘Bama ‘Hood
Skip to commentsEditorial cartoonist J. D. Crowe of AL.com (“Alabama’s largest news site, providing up-to-the minute coverage of the news from around the state … and bring the state together with stories that highlight what we all love about Alabama.“) has upset Daniel Taylor of 1819 News (“a non-profit LLC that derives its namesake from the year Alabama was founded (1819) and … we provide news for the State of Alabama, we do so with honesty, integrity, and Alabama values“):
Alabama’s racially storied history can’t be denied, but when it comes to modern-day politics, some seem stuck in the past more than others.
The Ku Klux Klan hasn’t had any significant social, political or economic influence in Alabama in decades, but AL.com cartoonist J.D. Crowe is determined to keep its memory alive.

1819 News takes J. D. Crowe to task for his frequent reminders of the area’s history.
It’s not uncommon for Crowe to recycle content and themes … and in the last year alone, his political cartoons referencing Klan imagery have numbered in the double-digits, from depicting lawmakers in Klan hoods to burning crosses on a cake.
Apparently Crowe’s latest cartoon (upper left corner in the above cartoon montage) about Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville’s latest remark is what prompted the commentary, though the Senator is not mentioned in the piece. (Tuberville is regularly presented in 1819 News articles as a paragon of the site’s “Alabama values” and even contributed an opinion piece to the site early this year.)
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