Check out Lynn Johnson’s paintings
For Better or For Worse creator Lynn Johnston has posted some of her artwork she’s done when she’s not traveling or spending time with family.
For Better or For Worse creator Lynn Johnston has posted some of her artwork she’s done when she’s not traveling or spending time with family.
Of the former president George W. Bush’s paintings that were made public by a hacker, Stephen Colbert [makes this great one-liner critique: “That is a bold, artistic vision that says ‘faces are hard.’](” The Colbert ReportGet More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive Maybe Bush should have taken up cartooning.
Deep Shadows by Jerry Scott The Tribune News asked Rubes cartoonist Leigh Rubin to interview Zits and Baby Blues writer Jerry Scott about his fine art exhibit coming up at The Frame Works Gallery in San Luis Obispo, CA. Q. In addition to the cartooning, you?re also a fine artist. How did that come about, […]