Here Come de Judge Again
They should change the name of this KFS Vintage feature to “Judge Crater.” Here are the missing episodes, plus a few bonus items.
They should change the name of this KFS Vintage feature to “Judge Crater.” Here are the missing episodes, plus a few bonus items.
And now, from the land where cigarettes never get any shorter, here are the missing Vintage Judge Parkers from Comics Kingdom:
KFS Vintage lost two weeks worth of Judge Parker strips. Fortunately, we found them!
That headline: “Potpourri” used to be a category in Jeopardy which I think was a chance to use questions that hadn’t been chosen in previous games. I haven’t seen it in a long time (hence “Art”) but, then, it’s been awhile since I’ve watched Jeopardy, which brings us to Non Sequitur (AMS) and some suppressed […]
Arlo is right. Whatever the benefits or failures of Daylight Saving Time, it sure gives people a lot of latitude for conversation, and I use the word pointedly, because the United States extends through enough latitude that, when it comes to sunlight, most of us don’t know what the rest of us are talking about. […]
Sage Stossel lays out the Instagram issue, which saves me a lot of exposition and linking (click here for larger version), the main point being not that Instagram is potentially harmful to young women but that Facebook did a study in which they found out that Instagram is potentially harmful to young women and did […]
Today’s Judge Parker (KFS) has set me thinking about continuity strips, and, since there are only a few left, that puts me in the somewhat uncomfortable position of criticizing this one, which isn’t my point. I think there should be more continuity strips, because, whether they would induce people to buy newspapers, they’d at least […]
While I agree generally with Kate in Grand Avenue (AMS), one of the specific things the weekend means is that I don’t do laundry, because that’s the day all the people who work are crowding the laundromat. But, having retired, Saturday means two things: The post office closes at noon and there will be more […]
I’m pretty much aligned with the grandfather in Barney & Clyde (WPWG) these days. It’s getting good in that we’ve nearly passed the “Oh, god, what’s he done this time?” factor, though CPAC provided a warning that we shouldn’t turn our backs entirely. But I don’t feel I have to tend the news constantly anymore. […]
There are some good cartoons on the impending impeachment trial, and we’ll start with Dan Wasserman (Tribune) because he sets the scene: It’s going to require at least 17 Republicans to vote guilty in order to convict. Watergate was different in that the actions being investigated were contained within the Executive and there was little […]
Maybe. If things settle down, I’d like to go back to an irregular schedule of politics some days and comedy others, rather than staking out Friday for a break in the tension. So I guess we’ll see. While we wait, Candorville (WPWG) offers social commentary that verges on the political, and if one party […]
First, some good news: At a time when political cartoonists are under increasing pressure to toe the company line, the new website at the Buffalo News announces that Adam Zyglis is under no such restraint: At least, I’m going to assume that’s what it means. (That would be Adam “One Shed” Zyglis, not to be […]
Wiley Miller aids the US Post Office in its hour of need with a cartoon bound to spark letters to the editor. What you might call a cataclysm. I laughed, but I’m a dog owner and recovering Cat’olic, plus I’m only 70 and not yet in the furious-letter-writing demographic. I like cats, but I don’t […]
Sally Forth specializes in bizarre takes on holidays, but they get special credit for last Sunday’s take, which kept me wondering what the hell was going on until the last panel. A lot of their weirdness relies on your being familiar with the characters, but this is an excellent standalone — anybody could stumble into […]