CSotD: Basic Challenges

I don’t mind the fact that I often disagree with cartoonists and other political commentators. Not only does it give me something to write about, but I’d be suspicious of a system in which everyone agreed with everyone else, mostly because there’s never been one. Still, I think it’s possible for everyone to agree, for…

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More Mixed Bag Monday

10 Years of This is Fine, Marvel Covers Disney, Snoopy’s Moon Mission, Gannett Gonna Gannett, Remembering Jack Bender. You’ve probably seen it: A smiling cartoon dog sits at a table, coffee mug on hand, as a room goes up in flames. “This is fine,” the dog assures himself. It’s been a decade since its creator…

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CSotD: Assorted Short Subjects

Timing may not be everything, but it’s a lot of things, and today’s The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee (KFS) lands the day after I saw someone observing on social media that the Community Chest card in Monopoly teaches kids to rely on government handouts if they get in trouble. 24 hours later, my response…

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2022: Debuts, Departures and the Dearly Departed – Part One: Debuts and Departures

This is an installment of 2022 U.S. Newspaper Comics: Debuts, Departures, and the Dearly Departed.part 1: Debuts and Departures – – part 2: Detours and Deviations – – part 3: Dearly Departed 2022 DebutsThese comics began appearing in U. S. newspapers in 2022 RITTER’S RIVERby Marc LutzJune 1, 2022 –weekly stripWrangell Sentinel CRABGRASSby Tauhid BondiaJune…

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One Hundred Eleven Years of Political Cartoons

Cartoons have long caught the public’s attention, capturing social or political sentiments and highlighting pressing issues. The nature of these cartoons has changed over the years and decades, even the centuries, accommodating a widespread appetite for vitriolic humor and propaganda. To commemorate the important role of political cartoons in American history and culture, Stacker went…

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CSotD: Twitterpated

It’s Halloween, but that seems to mean “Cartoonists’ Day Off.” I found myself resisting the urge to post an entire page of “The Grownups Ate The Candy” gags, which was 98% of what I found. Okay, that’s sarcasm. It was only 93%. I did appreciate this Mt Pleasant (Tribune) because there are parents who go completely…

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