CSotD: Shallow thoughts

I had some deep thoughts today but realized I’ve shared enough deep thoughts lately and I’m not in the mood. So here is our deepest thought of the day, from Red and Rover (AMS), and it fits my mood that it comes from a dog. Nothing against dogs, mind you. I appreciate their ability to…

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Paper Cuts Cartoonist After Instagram Editoon

Dateline Australia. Daily Mail: Controversial cartoonist Michael Leunig has been axed from his prime spot in The Age newspaper after a cartoon comparing resistance against mandatory Covid vaccines to the fight for democracy in Tiananmen Square was censored. ‘Apparently, I’m out of touch with the readership,’ Leunig told The Australian’s Media Diary of his sacking from providing…

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Duncan Macpherson – Stamped and Profiled

Canada Post’s week of honoring editorial cartoonists continues with Duncan Macpherson. Duncan Macpherson is considered a giant of Canadian editorial cartooning. His witty cartoons challenged authority and tapped into public sentiment on domestic and world events while Macpherson himself helped reshape the trade for a generation of cartoonists. Among several firsts throughout his career, Macpherson…

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Canada Goes Postal for Editorial Cartoonists

Over the next week, Canada Post will unveil five stamps that celebrate five of Canada’s greatest editorial cartoonists, whose thought-provoking and seminal work has helped shape our national fabric over the last half-century. Videos and stories will be shared with each unveiling. Beginning tomorrow Canada Post will celebrate editorial cartoonists by revealing a stamp honoring…

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CSotD: Credibility

John Darkow is hardly the only cartoonist to depict the last plane departing Afghanistan, or even the only one to offer “credibility” rather than our Afghan allies as what we’ve left behind. It leaves me asking if all these cartoonists had a better plan. It’s not necessary to have a detailed plan in order to…

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