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Preview of Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee

The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee © John Hambrock. Used by permission of King Features. All Rights Reserved. I received the sales kit for John Hambrock’s The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee Thursday and with permission from King Features, I wanted to show you a bit about the new feature and share my initial first […]

Nick Anderson launches new blog feature

Houston Chronicle editorial cartoonist Nick Anderson has announced a new feature on his blog. He has solicited his readers to send him their cartoons and he’ll post them on his blog every Friday. From his blog: Have you always wanted to be a cartoonist? Can’t stand my cartoons? Want to see your own published here? […]

Breeden admits to only one case of plagiarism

Kathleen Breeden, the cartoonist at the center of case of plagiarism at Harvard, has come out saying that only one of the cartoons was copied and the others are her original ideas. She even goes as far as saying she’s willing to take a lie detector test to prove it. Breeden said she takes full […]

Cartoon America exhibit opens at Library of Congress

Last September Aaron posted a notice that a new exhibit was opening at the Library of Congress called Cartoon America. The exhibit officially opened yesterday and features the artowrk of Thomas Nast, Rube Goldberg, Bill Mauldin, Patrick Oliphant, Winsor McCay, George Herriman, Chic Young, Milt Caniff, Charles Schulz, Lynn Johnston, Peter Arno, William Steig, Al […]

Jeff Parker joins Blogosphere

Jeff Parker, editorial cartoonist for Florida Today, has launched his blog. He writes in to say that he’s been maintaining it for about a month now and: I post my cartoons, write about cartooning or being a cartoonist, occasionally post sketches and doodles, swap comments and offer a caption contest for our readers. I find […]

Dilbert Weasel Awards posted

The 2006 Dilbert Weasel Awards have been posted. Over 40,000 people voted and the results are a hint of what is to come in next weeks mid-term election? Just look the winners and the margins they win by: Weaseliest Pundit/Reporter? Michael Moore 9383 votes NY Times 8831 Weaseliest Company? Halliburton 10436 Wal-Mart 8489 Weaseliest Politician? […]

King Feature launches new comic

King features is launching a new comic strip on November 12 called The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee by John Hambrock. The feature centers around a 10-year old genius named Edison, his family (mom and dad, grandfather) and a talking rat. The strip is described as “An intelligent left-leaning comic strip that masterfully mixes social commentary and humor.”

LA Daily News lays off publisher, 20 others – Patrick O’Connor not one of them

From the LA Times comes a story that the LA Daily News has laid off the paper’s publisher and 20 others.  The Daily News is home to editorial cartoonist Patrick O’Connor who reports that his job has not been directly affected.  Patrick does mention that the ousted publisher has been a great advocate of his work and as he puts it: “championed my work and stuck up for me when I was under fire.” 


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