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Lio hits 150

Universal Press has announced that Mark Tatulli’s Lio has surpassed the 150 client mark – beating The Boondocks by 10% at the six months mark. Mark’s other strip Heart of the City is still seen in 100 newspapers nationwide. Congrats Mark! And if the number of comments on this blog are any indication – you’ve […]

New comic tools blog

Proving that the blogosphere is big enough to have a blog on just about any topic no matter who insignificant – comes this post that I saw on Drawn! regarding Comic Tools – a blog about what tools comic artists use. Comic Tools is a new blog from MK Reed in which comic artists share […]

How to do an election results cartoon before the election

Jim Borgman has an interesting post over on his blog regarding the difficulty of creating an editorial cartoon about the election results before the election has taken place. In past years I’ve played it several ways. Sometimes I’ve chosen an entirely different issue for the cartoon’s topic. This tends to make one look clueless, commenting […]

Luckovich challenged in NCS get together

Mike Luckovich was one of three speakers at the National Cartooning Society’s Southeaster Chapter annual meting in Gainsville over the weekend. According to the Gainsville Times, he was interrupted during his presentation and challenged on one of his cartoon’s assertions that the U.S. uses torture in investigations. The challenger was not named, but eventually silenced […]

Nevada politician infringing on Peanuts copyright

Charlie Brown is running for congress. No, this isn’t a story about a silly write-in campaign, but a real life Democrat whose name is Charlie Brown and he’s challenging John Doolittle for a seat in congress. Charles Schulz’s son, Monte, is now questioning some of the political fliers against Charlie Brown as infringements upon the […]

Hy Eisman to conduct workshop

Hy Eisman, the current cartoonist behind Popeye and the Katzenjammer Kids will be conducting a workshop at the Newark Museum this Saturday. The Masters of American Comics is currently on display at the Newark Museum, so I suspect the two events are connected. Pre-registration is required.

Preview of Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee

The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee © John Hambrock. Used by permission of King Features. All Rights Reserved. I received the sales kit for John Hambrock’s The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee Thursday and with permission from King Features, I wanted to show you a bit about the new feature and share my initial first […]

Nick Anderson launches new blog feature

Houston Chronicle editorial cartoonist Nick Anderson has announced a new feature on his blog. He has solicited his readers to send him their cartoons and he’ll post them on his blog every Friday. From his blog: Have you always wanted to be a cartoonist? Can’t stand my cartoons? Want to see your own published here? […]

Breeden admits to only one case of plagiarism

Kathleen Breeden, the cartoonist at the center of case of plagiarism at Harvard, has come out saying that only one of the cartoons was copied and the others are her original ideas. She even goes as far as saying she’s willing to take a lie detector test to prove it. Breeden said she takes full […]

Cartoon America exhibit opens at Library of Congress

Last September Aaron posted a notice that a new exhibit was opening at the Library of Congress called Cartoon America. The exhibit officially opened yesterday and features the artowrk of Thomas Nast, Rube Goldberg, Bill Mauldin, Patrick Oliphant, Winsor McCay, George Herriman, Chic Young, Milt Caniff, Charles Schulz, Lynn Johnston, Peter Arno, William Steig, Al […]

Jeff Parker joins Blogosphere

Jeff Parker, editorial cartoonist for Florida Today, has launched his blog. He writes in to say that he’s been maintaining it for about a month now and: I post my cartoons, write about cartooning or being a cartoonist, occasionally post sketches and doodles, swap comments and offer a caption contest for our readers. I find […]

Dilbert Weasel Awards posted

The 2006 Dilbert Weasel Awards have been posted. Over 40,000 people voted and the results are a hint of what is to come in next weeks mid-term election? Just look the winners and the margins they win by: Weaseliest Pundit/Reporter? Michael Moore 9383 votes NY Times 8831 Weaseliest Company? Halliburton 10436 Wal-Mart 8489 Weaseliest Politician? […]

King Feature launches new comic

King features is launching a new comic strip on November 12 called The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee by John Hambrock. The feature centers around a 10-year old genius named Edison, his family (mom and dad, grandfather) and a talking rat. The strip is described as “An intelligent left-leaning comic strip that masterfully mixes social commentary and humor.”


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