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Jim Borgman lauds Jeff Stahler

Today on Jim Borgman’s blog, he writes about his friendship with Jeff Stahler who worked at the competing paper, the Cincinnati Post. Jeff is now with the Columbus Dispatch. Stahler is one of the most under-appreciated cartoonists around. Every cartoon works. His ideas are absolutely water-tight, insightful, funny, sophisticated. And he draws in that deceptively […]

Another case of plagiarism?

Has editorial cartoon plagiarism raised it’s ugly head again? – “a daily Manhattan media news and gossip blog” (which also is part of the same publishing network as Wonkette, Defamer and Gizmodo) is questioning whether Sean Delonas, New York Post editorial cartoonist has “ripped off” a cartoon by Jim Borgman (one of Jim’s 1991 […]

Randy Bish ticks off 41,000 Purple Heart recipients

Randy Bish, editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburg Tribune-Review, is scrambling to find 41,000 donuts to entertain the same number of Purple Heart recipients who are threatening to march on his office to demand an apology for his November 2nd cartoon depicting the Purple Heart with the word “Stupid”. The cartoon was a jab at Senator […]

Daily Cartoonist is closed – please go and vote

I’m closing down the blog for the day. Instead of blogging this morning, I’ll be standing in line waiting to touch a screen – hopefully demonstrating to the Iraqis and other fledgling democracies that I give a hoot about the democracy I live under – regardless of how well it’s managed. Later tonight I’ll be […]

Lio hits 150

Universal Press has announced that Mark Tatulli’s Lio has surpassed the 150 client mark – beating The Boondocks by 10% at the six months mark. Mark’s other strip Heart of the City is still seen in 100 newspapers nationwide. Congrats Mark! And if the number of comments on this blog are any indication – you’ve […]

New comic tools blog

Proving that the blogosphere is big enough to have a blog on just about any topic no matter who insignificant – comes this post that I saw on Drawn! regarding Comic Tools – a blog about what tools comic artists use. Comic Tools is a new blog from MK Reed in which comic artists share […]

How to do an election results cartoon before the election

Jim Borgman has an interesting post over on his blog regarding the difficulty of creating an editorial cartoon about the election results before the election has taken place. In past years I’ve played it several ways. Sometimes I’ve chosen an entirely different issue for the cartoon’s topic. This tends to make one look clueless, commenting […]

Luckovich challenged in NCS get together

Mike Luckovich was one of three speakers at the National Cartooning Society’s Southeaster Chapter annual meting in Gainsville over the weekend. According to the Gainsville Times, he was interrupted during his presentation and challenged on one of his cartoon’s assertions that the U.S. uses torture in investigations. The challenger was not named, but eventually silenced […]

Nevada politician infringing on Peanuts copyright

Charlie Brown is running for congress. No, this isn’t a story about a silly write-in campaign, but a real life Democrat whose name is Charlie Brown and he’s challenging John Doolittle for a seat in congress. Charles Schulz’s son, Monte, is now questioning some of the political fliers against Charlie Brown as infringements upon the […]

Hy Eisman to conduct workshop

Hy Eisman, the current cartoonist behind Popeye and the Katzenjammer Kids will be conducting a workshop at the Newark Museum this Saturday. The Masters of American Comics is currently on display at the Newark Museum, so I suspect the two events are connected. Pre-registration is required.


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