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Liberal Matt Davies takes over Prickly City (temporarily)

Scott Stantis has announced that liberal editorial cartoonist Matt Davies will temporarily take the helm of the conservative Prickly City strip while Scott undergoes rotator cuff surgery. Matt’s work will hit the funny pages the week of December 11 through 16th. Scott says that the story line will be, “in the last election, the Democrats […]

Keith Knight to speak in Seattle

Keith Knight (K-Chronicles, (th)ink) will be speaking at the Richard Hugo House Theatre (Seattle) on the 16th of this month. The presentation is entitled “Fear of a Black Marker” and will entail a slideshow presentation of his work along with his commentary. There is a $7 entrance fee. See his site for details.

Aaron Taylor joins blogosphere

Aaron Taylor – the “editorial cartoonist in the reddest part of the reddest state” (Daily Herald – Provo UT) has launched a blog. Here’s his inaugural post: Have you ever come across an editorial cartoon in the newspaper and found yourself muttering under your breath what you think of it? I have to imagine it’s […]

Patrick McDonnell offers rare signed poster

Patrick McDonnell is giving away 7 rare signed posters of the Toys For Tots national poster. Patrick, in years past, has supported the Toys for Tots program through the Gift of Nothing gift box and book that bears that name. This year those that purchase the Gift of Nothing book and boxes will also be […]

40 Garfield statues to decorate Pacific Highway 101

In a fund-raising project to benefit the Helen Woodward Animal Center in Rancho Santa Fe, 40 five-foot five-inch statues of Garfield will be placed along highway 101 in California. Each Garfield statue will be decorated by different artist. Each town that opts in to participate in the program must purchase the statue and pay $1000 […]

Philadelphia Inquirer gets new editor; layoffs expected

Here’s a story that makes me nervous. The Philadelphia Inquirer’s editor Amanda Bennett will be stepping down at the end of the year. The parent company, Philadelphia Media Holdings LLC, which bought the paper in June is expected to make deep layoffs within the paper. Bennett is leaving in Philadelphia as the Inquirer is bracing […]

Jim Borgman lauds Jeff Stahler

Today on Jim Borgman’s blog, he writes about his friendship with Jeff Stahler who worked at the competing paper, the Cincinnati Post. Jeff is now with the Columbus Dispatch. Stahler is one of the most under-appreciated cartoonists around. Every cartoon works. His ideas are absolutely water-tight, insightful, funny, sophisticated. And he draws in that deceptively […]

Another case of plagiarism?

Has editorial cartoon plagiarism raised it’s ugly head again? – “a daily Manhattan media news and gossip blog” (which also is part of the same publishing network as Wonkette, Defamer and Gizmodo) is questioning whether Sean Delonas, New York Post editorial cartoonist has “ripped off” a cartoon by Jim Borgman (one of Jim’s 1991 […]

Randy Bish ticks off 41,000 Purple Heart recipients

Randy Bish, editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburg Tribune-Review, is scrambling to find 41,000 donuts to entertain the same number of Purple Heart recipients who are threatening to march on his office to demand an apology for his November 2nd cartoon depicting the Purple Heart with the word “Stupid”. The cartoon was a jab at Senator […]

Daily Cartoonist is closed – please go and vote

I’m closing down the blog for the day. Instead of blogging this morning, I’ll be standing in line waiting to touch a screen – hopefully demonstrating to the Iraqis and other fledgling democracies that I give a hoot about the democracy I live under – regardless of how well it’s managed. Later tonight I’ll be […]


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