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Ink Pen optioned for animated film

Universal Press has announced the Phil Dunlap’s Ink Pen has been optioned to be developed into an animated film. Phil’s cartoon is barely a year old and is now in 50 newspapers. The movie would be produced by Jason Korrnick who is the executive producer of the upcoming movie “Next” staring Nicholas Cage and Julianne […]

The Other Coast takes swipes at legacy strips

Adrian Raeside’s The Other Coast took a swipe at a few legacy strips in last Wednesday’s comic. The gag involved the character Vicky mentioning how great it would be to meet the cartoonist behind Mary Worth, Blondie and Dick Tracy in-which the character Toulouse would inform her that the original creators were all dead. Vicky […]

This day in history (Updated)

Here’s your comic history trivia question of the day: When was the first time that Lucy Van Pelt held a football for Charlie Brown? Answer: November 16, 1952. Peanuts appeared in print in October of 1950. I’ve lost the attribution to that little factoid, so maybe call the Schulz museum if you have one lifeline […]

Girls & Sports launch party planned

On Wednesday, Girls & Sports creators Andrew Feinstein and Justin Borus be holding a launch party to celebrate the release of their first book “Opening Lines, Pinky Probes and L-Bombs: The Girls & Sports Dating and Relationship Playbook.” The party includes a reading, signing and reception at the Borders Bookstore in Westwood CA. They do […]

Simpsons movie trailer released

Slightly off-topic, but newsworthy: Matt Groening’s The Simpsons will hit the silver screen on July 27. You can see The Simpson’s Movie (in 2-D) trailer on Apple’s trailer site. Trailer review: Loved it. Laughed out loud. There are few shows I get out the hustle to see on opening night, but this will be one […]

Jules Feiffer illustrates wife’s book

Jules Feiffer and his wife have come out with a new book (he illustrated it, his wife wrote it), called The Long Chalkboard and Other Stories. The book contains three stories. Carl Hays of the American Library Association wrote this review of the book on Renowned cartoonist and children’s book author Feiffer shares billing […]

Lynn Johnston talks about FBOFW’s ending

The Grand Rapids Press interviewed Lynn Johnston about the impending end of For Better or For Worse next fall. Lynn tells us that the feature will end, but “will continue as a still-being discussed hybrid of some earlier, little seen work along with some new material.” I’m not sure what that means, but I suspect […]

Newspaper to create community comics page

The Lowell Sun (Lowell, MA) reports that they’ve picked up John Hambrockâ??s The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee which takes the place of “Rose is a Rose” (I’m assuming he’s talking about Pat Brady’s Rose is Rose). But the interesting little tidbit in the announcement is that the editor, Jim Campanini, is launching a “Community […]

Several cartoonists showing up to Mid-Ohio-Con

The Great Lake Chapter of the National Cartooning Society will be part of a panel at the upcoming Mid-Ohio-Con the 26th of November. Panelists will include: Tony Cochran Agnes, Terri Libenson Pajama Diaries, Jeff Stahler Moderately Confused, Roy Doty(2006 ‘Illustrator Of The Year’ Reuben Division Award winner), Daryll Collins (illustrator of kid’s book ‘Super Sam’), […]


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