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CSotD: Good choices, bad choices

Dark Side of the Horse (AMS) takes a second look at a silly expression and I’m glad I’m not the only person who thinks that dying young doing something pointless is not a good idea. I gather the expression is supposed to balance the values of a short, thrilling life and a long, boring life, […]

The Nib Ebbs – The Cartoonists Flow

Matt Bors sent a message that though The Nib is in a state of suspended animation the cartoonists who contributed to the magazine and website remain actively cartooning and need reader support to continue. From Matt’s email: The Nib may have ended, but our cartoonists carry on. This email is so you can follow and […]

CSotD: Current Events

Clay Bennett (CTFP) might instead have used a four-word slogan on that second shirt that ends “Find Out,” but it would have considerably reduced the number of editors willing to run it. The point is the same anyway: They listened to Trump, they did as he bade them, and, whatever happens to him, we’re seeing […]

Senior Strippers – 2023 Edition

Belated birthday wishes to cartoonist Alan McClure. Also belated is the addition of Mr. McClure to our Senior Strippers list on the occasion of his turning 100, rather than at 90 as is customary. Cartoonist Alan McClure continues to create art decades after finding humour in news stories for Sydney Morning Herald readers. Shuana Foley […]

CSotD: Old Jokes, in the demographic sense

F Minus (AMS) offers an explanation for what’s gone wrong with the world which is both funny and, as is usually the case with funny things, thought-provoking. On the most mundane level, it’s a case of blaming yourself for what’s gone wrong in the world and, certainly, that’s a valid point, particularly if you’ve sat […]

Cartoonists in the News

Brian Gable retires, Jeff Schultz keeps on, the long Bill Griffith interview, remembering Ralph Heimdahl, Ricardo Caté talks, Edward Sorel appreciated. Bado’s Blog reports that editorial cartoonist Brian Gable has retired. After a long career as editorial cartoonist at The Globe and Mail, Brian Gable announced this morning his retirement to its’ readers. Graduating with […]

Fred Basset 1963 – 2023 (maybe)

Fred Basset has been in rerun status for nearly two months. A week after celebrating its 60th anniversary the comic strip went into rerun mode. According to a comment by “dv”: Fred Basset comics are reruns right now because the artist who has been drawing them since 1991, Michael Martin, has retired. The copyright holder, […]

CSotD: The Good, the Bad and the Cynical

When I saw that Jimmy Buffett had died, my first reaction was “Well, that’s a shame,” because he was a nice guy who made pleasant music. But my second reaction was “Here we go” and I have to say that the flood of Jimmy Buffett obituary cartoons has far outflowed my expectations. I don’t much […]

“Lefty Cartoonists Boycott Walkley Awards”

With a couple days before we start reporting on The Reuben Awards ceremonies, let’s check with another award. The Walkley Awards. The Walkley Awards are the Australian version of the United States’ Pulitzer Prizes; though, unlike the Pulitzers, the Walkleys still have a cartoon award. “The Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism are presented annually […]

CSotD: Labor Day or something like it

I wish I could believe in Paul Fell’s vision of a world in which labor unions had the upper hand on management. He’s got a point in that the falling unemployment rate gives workers a degree of leverage they haven’t enjoyed in quite a while, and it’s also true that there has been a jump […]

Bro! Heathcliff is 50!

In the 1960s many magazine cartoonists had hopes of becoming the next Mort Walker, Hank Ketcham, or Johnny Hart. Possibly reaching Charles M. Schulz status? George Gately (né George Gately Gallagher) was one such hopeful, though his first effort to rule the newspaper funny pages didn’t hit the heights. But then he created Heathcliff. above: […]

CSotD: Truths on the Funny Pages

Lemont confronts a harsh truth in today’s Candorville (WPWG) and not a bad introduction to Labor Day. To put a positive swing on it, you might say that no matter how much you define yourself by what you do for a living, your friends in the real world see only your off-duty persona. Which is […]


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