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CSotD: Identifying the Usual First Casualty

Well, of course it is, David Rowe, but thank you for pointing it out, since we don’t seem to remember, or perhaps care. The idea that “Truth is the first casualty in war” is such a common observation that it makes a fascinating entry for the Quote Investigator, but, appropriately, is a casualty of its […]

MacKay Makes Cartoonists’ Convention

Graeme MacKay, editorial cartoonist for The Hamilton Spectator, attended the recent joint convention of the Association of Canadian Cartoonists and the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. He writes: … this gathering in 2023, despite missing some old familiar friends and faces was robust in numbers giving the sense that editorial cartooning is alive and well […]

CSotD: Comics I get about things I don’t

Apparently, the little old lady in Guy Venables’ cartoon is taking Israel’s side in the current scuffle, which wouldn’t be clear if she were considering a boycott of falafel, a dish claimed by both sides. Hummus is of Arabic origin, though, as the son points out, it’s widespread enough that you needn’t boycott it on […]

Hey Kids! Comics!

Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for October 2023 release.Images and links (mostly) via Amazon,though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea. The Great Pencil Quest Terry and the Pirates: The Master Collection Vol. 6: 1940 – The Time of Cholera Poor Helpless Comics!: The […]

J. D. Crowe Says “I Am Not Dead”

J.D. Crowe has been missing for the past four months. JD’s last editorial cartoon was in late June and his last Crowe Jam newsletter was a few days before that. He has also been silent on social media. Yesterday he told his friends and fans why – and it hasn’t been pretty. JD tells us: […]

CSotD: Who cares what you meant to say?

The issue of Steve Bell‘s spiked cartoon of Netanyahu continues to roil social media, at least in editorial cartooning circles, and the topic was recently amplified when the Aspen Times apologized for running a Dave Granlund cartoon that some readers misinterpreted. The problem isn’t new, and this Sean Delonas cartoon went famously off the rails […]

Tribute Strips and Inspiration Comics

There were a number of tributes to past cartoonists in the past week’s comic strips. Today’s Mutts name checks his inspiration for the art. Who’s Out There has a few more inspiring Sundays. Studio Jantze spent the better part of the week honoring past and present cartoonists. And a musician. Speaking of MAD, Thatababy goes […]

CSotD: Bits and Pieces of the First Amendment

Ann Telnaes sent me scrambling for the Googles with this one, because she’d apparently picked up on a NYTimes story I hadn’t: Clarence wants to overturn NYTimes v Sullivan so he can sue people who say mean things about him. That he wants to do it isn’t news; he’s brought that up earlier, along with […]

Where Did Foxtrot Go Wrong?

Bill Amend’s FoxTrot was one of the great successes of late-twentieth-century newspaper comics. At the end of its run as a daily feature in 2006, the strip was running in over 1000 papers, had published over 30 book collections, and Amend was a runner-up for the National Cartoonist’s Society’s title of Cartoonist of the Year. […]

Newspaper Regrets Israeli-Hamas Cartoon

A Dave Granlund cartoon about the current Israeli-Hamas War brought at least one objection: Read the full letter here. The response from The Aspen Times: Read The Aspen Times apology and their atonement. Finally, we thought it appropriate to give readers a more complete picture of Granlund’s perspective on Israel and Hamas by publishing Saturday’s […]

CSotD: Saturday Cartoons

Brewster Rockit (Tribune) is usually silly, except that on random Sundays it will suddenly take a kind of Mr. Wizard shift and explain something about astronomy. (For those too young to recognize the name, Mr. Wizard was who we watched on TV before we had Carl Sagan or Neil deGrasse Tyson.) This is a nice […]

Keith Giffen – RIP

Creative comic book genius Keith Giffen has passed away. Keith Ian Giffen November 30, 1952 – October 9, 2023 Keith’s family announced the death on Facebook as Keith had requested them to: Once friends and fans realized Keith had actually passed there was outpouring of love for the man. Mainstream media is reporting the creator/writer/artist’s […]

CSotD: Asymmetric Commentary, Asymmetric War

Zapiro speaks for a large number of cartoonists as they struggle to find something that is both fair and penetrating to say about the bloodbath going on in Israel and Gaza, with the additional burden of knowing that anything of any substance will — intentionally or not — be misinterpreted by a portion of your […]

Bado and Cummings Win ACC Townsies

Last week during the Association of Canadian Cartoonists convention the organization presented Guy Badeaux (aka Bado) and Dale Cummings with their George Townsend Awards (aka The Townsie) proclaiming them as Cartoonist(s) of the Year. As the Canadian ACI explains the award is a “two part award, one for the best Anglophone cartoon and one for […]


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