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CSotD: Post-holiday Flashbacks

Between our shifting servers and an apparent post-holiday sag in general, this has become a good day to indulge in some favorite comics from years past. This Rhymes with Orange (KFS) came at a particularly propitious time, because not only did I live just around the corner from such a house, but I recall that […]

Latisha Moore – Gone Far Too Soon

Word is spreading on social media that Latisha Moore, the executive director of the National Cartoonists Society for most of the past decade, has lost her fight with cancer at the early age of forty-seven. From Jason Chatfield, NCS President during the majority of Latisha’s service: Heartbroken at the loss of my dear friend, and […]

Sunday Service: The Catholic Cartoon

The Catholic Cartoon is about a kind and quirky Parish Priest named Fr. Otto. He, along with his parishioners at St. Sebastian’s, experience fun and wholesome moments that will surely make your day full of laughter!  Last year we featured Joshua Masterson’s The Catholic Cartoon comic strip and now Aleteia (“offer[ing] a Christian vision of […]

CSotD: Funnies, with a hat trick

In today’s Pearls Before Swine (AMS) Rat is a bit more proactive than most of us in dealing with neighbor issues, but, then, Rat has never been a model of patience. I particularly liked the cartoon because I’ve just set a new record, going over 13 years of living in the same house. In both […]

Rancor Erupts Over High School Cartoon

CHULA VISTA, California – An anti-Israel, anti-American cartoon that appeared in the Bonita Vista High School newspaper has sparked a controversy that has escalated to the point that San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan has said her office will look into whether a hate crime has been committed. San Diego Jewish World describes the […]

Brian Ashby Retires From Editooning

The Daily Independent of Ashland Kentucky has revealed that Brain Ashby, their freelance editorial cartoonist, has retired from drawing opinions for the newspaper after six years. From The Daily Independent: Brian Ashby had a gift, so, we thought, let’s give him the opportunity to share it with the area while tackling pertinent news topics. Upon […]

CSotD: Grumblings

A lot of editorial cartoonists appear to have taken the four-day weekend, leaving me mostly to indulge a peeve or two, and Constant Readers probably saw this one coming when they saw Joe Biden with an ice cream cone. It’s good that I generally agree with Phil Hands on things, because it leaves me free […]

Black Friday Free-For-All

Ed Subitzky, Walt Handelsman, David Sipress, Roger Kastel, Ron Turner, Denis Kitchen, and more. Speaking of leftovers – here’s some stuff that was sitting in the queue. The Ed Subitzky Anti-Interview A full house turned out for the book launch of cartoonist, writer and sometimes television celebrity Ed Subitzky’s long-awaited first anthology of work at […]

CSotD: Leftovers

Thanksgiving was lovely, and Steve Kelley (Creators) even provided an early Christmas present for his critics, saving them from needing to make much of an effort to refute his political beliefs. Instead, he scored an own-goal by revealing that he thinks the Von Trapp family is Jewish and must surely have fled Austria to save […]

Current Comics – 75 Years After 1948

Of the two-score-minus-one comic strips Mike Peterson displayed from 1948 seven are still being syndicated with new content in 2023. None of which will be highlighted in this post. Which is not to say some oldies won’t be here. The Phantom was around then and is now. At the risk of stepping on the toes […]

CSotD: Thanksgiving 75 Years Ago

My goodness but 1948 was a fabulous year for cartoons! We were emerging from the war and feeling pretty good, but not yet arrogant, about ourselves. And newspapers still featured things like cartoons that their readers wanted. Fancy that! As a result, this will be a longer than usual posting, and I hope you enjoy […]

Mutts Guard Dog Story Brings Reaction

From The New York Daily News via Yahoo: Brooklyn: As a lifelong animal lover who is always entertained by your comic “Mutts,” I am greatly disturbed by your recent cartoon depicting a bull dog chained to a post and left alone by his owner. I thought comics were supposed to bring a smile to my […]

CSotD: Hobbes, Rousseau and Benedict

Existential Comics, which just celebrated its tenth year, continues the birthday festivities with this contrast of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes. It’s not a ground-breaking comparison. I think most courses in political science that delve in classical sources make a point of having students read, and discuss, both men, as we did in college. But […]

Bill Lee – RIP

Cartoonist Bill Lee has passed away. William Saul (Bill) Lee November 15, 1938 – November 15, 2023 From the New York Times notice: He attended the School of Visual Arts, which prepared him for his career as cartoonist and cartoon editor for General Media. The self-described “Investigative Cartoonist” won awards throughout his life, and his […]


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