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Courtroom Sketch a Hit With Anti-Trumpers

Recent sketches by courtroom artist Christine Cornell showing the latest Donald Trump appearance in the New York fraud case against him have found fans among those who enjoy mocking Trump and his attorney Alina Habba. From Newsweek: Court sketches from Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial have sparked ridicule and mockery online at the way he […]

CSotD: Bouquets and Brickbats

Can’t argue with Danae in today’s Non Sequitur (AMS), though mainly because I don’t want her coming after me on social media. However, while she is an average person for condemning those who disagree with her as “stupid,” even a blind pig finds some acorns, and timing is wonderfully on her side right now. As […]

Brian McConnachie – RIP

Comedy writer Brian McConnachie has passed away. Brian John McConnachie December 23, 1942 – January 5, 2024 The American Bystander reported Brian’s passing: It’s with great sadness that we announce the death of our dear Brian McConnachie. In addition to being the Founder of The American Bystander back in 1981, Brian was essential in its […]

Reader Outcry Keeps Arlo and Janis in Paper

After announcing upcoming changes to their comics page The (Jackson, Miss.) Clarion Ledger heard from fans of Jimmy Johnson‘s comic strip Arlo and Janis, enough to persuade the paper to keep the strip in the paper. Though not on the comics page. And not seven days a week. From Clarion Ledger Executive Editor Mark Konradi: […]

CSotD: What the other half hears

When Michael Ramirez (Creators) begins quoting Michael Dukakis, you know the End Times are near. Ramirez is hard to pin down; he appears strongly conservative but isn’t a consistent booster of the GOP, which wouldn’t have stood out once upon a time but it’s been awhile since we were less strongly divided than we are […]

Sgt Pat and Radio Patrol MIA strips

Apparently, Comics Kingdom is announcing missing Vintage strips one day at a time instead of providing the missing dates and then moving on with what they’ve got. I’m assuming that they’ve lost an entire week of Radio Patrol and not just two dates they’ve said so far. Here’s the week:

Comic Strip Bric-a-Brac

Public domain Mickey (aka Steamboat Willie) continues to appear in comic strips. Ruben Bolling‘s newest Tom the Dancing Bug character reappears today after being introduced last week. Tuesday saw GoComics hit the P.D.Mickey trifecta. Rabbits Against Magic and Looks Good on Paper saw Mickey in a couple one-shots. Rabbits more a cameo. Lalo Alcaraz however […]

CSotD: Comics Relief

A door panel blew out on a Boeing jet the other day. Perhaps you heard. Matt Pritchett came up with a funny cartoon about it. Many other people also drew cartoons about it. The most interesting part of the whole thing, as far as I was concerned, was how much of a non-event it turned […]

Arizona Editoonist Steve Benson Retires

After almost 45 year years of editorial cartooning Steve Benson is retiring. Jim Small, Editor In Chief of The Arizona Mirror, announced Steve’s decision today: Since the 1980s, he’s been skewering Arizona leaders and politicos on a regular basis, in between reminding us exactly how amazing our state is and how we need to protect […]

CSotD: Hits and Misses

Dave Whamond raises a fundamental issue with regard to Pope Francis’s statement condemning surrogacy. The Pope was addressing a situation in which poor women are paid to bear children for the wealthy, and he might have made a more narrow comment specific to that aspect of surrogacy, condemning the practice of turning pregnancy into a […]

David Kunzle – RIP

The peerless “pre-comic strip” comic strip historian David Kunzle has passed away. David Mark Kunzle April 17, 1936 – January 1, 2024 The Center for the Study of Political Graphics reported on David’s death and his more “radical” disposition: David Kunzle died Monday, January 1, after a three-year struggle with Amyloidosis. CSPG’s Poster of the […]

CSotD: Striving for Immunity

About the time I file today’s posting, Donald Trump will be appearing in federal court attempting to claim immunity for soliciting fraudulent election results in Georgia. He has another appeal pending in Georgia, seeking immunity on state charges in the case. Jimmy Margulies (KFS) comments here on a separate attempt by the former president to […]

Anchorage Daily News Cuts Comics Roster

In what is turning into an annual event The Anchorage Daily News (ADN) has changed the make up of the comics it carries. This time its only their Sunday comics and this time it only involves cuts, not replacements. The paper is reducing the the number of Sunday sections from four to two and moving […]

Buffalo News Apologizes for Zyglis Cartoon

After catching some grief over an Adam Zyglis cartoon two week’s ago and calling for letters of comment that were published in the Sunday December 31, 2023 edition, today The Buffalo News apologized for running the cartoon. From Buffalo’s WGRZ-TV: BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Buffalo News apologized to the Chabad Center for Jewish Life and […]


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