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Wallace the Brave, Will Henry & The ProJo

The Jamestown Press talked to Will Henry about fans saving Wallace the Brave in The Providence Journal: A comic strip drawn by a Jamestown man will remain in the pages of Rhode Island’s largest newspaper following a response from fans to save the cartoon after the editor suggested scrapping the comic. “Wallace the Brave,” created […]

CSotD: After the Cold Rush

The whole world is watching, and Peter Schrank indicates what the whole world is thinking, or at least the whole world aside from Russia, Hungary and North Korea, and the world who thought he was going away. That narrows it down considerably, mostly leaving us to wonder if Shrank means “madder” in the American “angry” […]

Wayback Whensday – Tapestry to Gallery

Bayeux Tapestry as the first-ever comic strip The Bayeux Tapestry is considered one of the most famous and recognisable historical documents in history. Sprawled out across nearly 70 metres of fabric, in stunning detail, is an entire catalogue of the past. As well as offering future generations a full-bodied window into military, social and cultural […]

CSotD: Fun with the Franchises

So this happened yesterday. You might have seen something about it on TV. They don’t really ask that question, but Christopher Weyant has the situation pretty well in hand, because voting in primaries is more tactical than voting in regular elections. That’s particularly true in states with open primaries, like New Hampshire, and it goes […]

Sage Stossel – On The Loose

Sage Stossel is an award winning editorial cartoonist for The Boston Globe and other publications and is an award worthy children’s book author with her On The Loose series. Most recent in the series is On the Loose in New Orleans and interviewed Sage about the book: Where in New Orleans do you take […]

HBD to Senior Stripper Don Wright

Two time Pulitzer Prize Editorial Cartoonist winner (1966, 1980) and five time finalist for the Editorial Cartooning Pulitzer Prize (1982, 1984, 1988, 1993, 2005) Don Wright celebrates his 90th birthday today and in doing so becomes a member of The Daily Cartoonist’s Senior Stripper club (not quite the status symbol as is his Pulitzers). From […]

CSotD: “… and be capable of reading them”

At the risk of sounding like an incompetent, unpatriotic university president, I think context matters, and Jefferson’s oft-quoted remark about government without newspapers versus newspapers without government deserves some. He was writing specifically about Shay’s Rebellion, but he might have been writing about January 6, except that, while Washington had political opponents, most hard-core Tories […]

What Might Have Been: Mickey by Wolverton

Basil Wolverton gained fame through his strange and humorous comic book art from Spacehawk to Powerhouse Pepper to Biblical Armegeddon and a lot more. But like most comic artists of his time he tried to break into the syndicated newspaper comic strip market. Also like most comic artists of his time he failed. But he […]

CSotD: Merry Monday

The forum in Davos has just concluded, but I don’t want to talk politics today. However, here’s a cartoon from Jason Adam Katzenstein, so I’m not entirely cynical about things. Not quite. But I laughed, so I guess I’m close. Yesterday, I saw a Fareed Zakaria Davos segment in which a pair of Ukrainian combat […]

New Comic Strip Funny Books

Those fabulous floppy funny books that were everywhere in our youth began as showcases for comic strips. Now, except for the Archie Digests, comic books are only found at select locations. And mostly star super heroes. But once in a while the old traditions return. As Newsarama/Games Radar reports: The adventures of Chester Gould’s iconic […]

CSotD: Rated PG-13 – Parental Caution Urged

Someone emailed me to complain about Thursday’s Barney & Clyde (Counterpoint), not particularly saying it should be forbidden so much as decrying the lack of taste and wondering how it got past the editors. I’ve linked to the specific piece, rather than to the comic’s overall page, in case you’d like to see the comments, […]

CSotD: Six Impossible Things Before November

Bill Bramhall suggests that there may be some logical holes in Trump’s theory of presidential immunity. This cartoon demonstrates how difficult things have become for satirists lately, since Trump has been asked if the president could murder his opponents with impunity. He responded that yes, he could, unless the Senate convicted him for it in […]

Comic Strips and Comic Strip Trivia

The week started, more or less since Monday was a holiday, with a Tuesday adjacent comics synchronicity. Pearls Before Swine and Perry Bible Fellowship follow one after the other on my GoComics feed and Tuesday they both featured what birthdays represent. Thoughts while you’re blowing out those candles. Let’s lighten the mood with a really […]


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