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Wayback Whensday – January Adventures

95 years ago today, on January 17, 1929, E. C. Segar introduced a new character to the comics pages. Popeye had powers far beyond mortal man thanks to the Wiffle Hen and later to spinach. Ten years later, on January 16, 1939, newspaper readers were introduced to another person with “powers and abilities far beyond […]

CSotD: Schrödinger’s World

Dave Whamond notes the latest absurdity in Ron DeSantis’s war on thinking: The Escambia County school district has taken several dictionaries from its shelves because they contain dirty words. Or words that could be considered sexual; several of the dictionaries are edited for children, so we can assume that the most prurient words were not […]

Wallace the Brave Returns to ProJo

From Lynne Sullivan of The Providence Journal: After we announced the debut of a refreshed comics page, more than 200 of you called or wrote in, expressing your support for “Wallace The Brave.” This is what I love to see, readers engaged with our content and telling me how much this comic strip – set […]

Joel Pett Has New Gig at WEKU (?)

It has been announced on Joel Pett‘s Facebook page that he will be contributing cartoons to WEKU: News! Joel’s new Kentucky home is with WEKU 88.9, Eastern Kentucky University’s NPR affiliate. He will provide three political cartoons per week to (link below) and produce weekly audio commentary, which will air at 7:31 a.m. and […]

CSotD: Tuesday Potpourri

Two days ago, I complimented Wiley Miller for timing a Non Sequitur (AMS) commenting on the Patriots’ lousy season such that, though drawn weeks in advance, it was accurate and landed as the football season ended. Now it’s Scott Stantis’s turn, with a Prickly City (AMS) the morning after Iowa, and, once more, it’s accurate […]

Hey Kids! Comics! New Year, New Comics

Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for January 2024 release.Images and links from a variety of publishers and outlets,though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea. John Romita’s Amazing Spider-Man: The Daily Strips Artist’s Edition By John Romita (preview) An Artist’s Edition is a book […]

CSotD: Works in Progress

Today is a holiday, though it’s another of those American wage-slave holidays where the banks, the schools and the post offices close and everything else goes on as normal. Most of the cartoons acknowledging MLK Day seem pretty bland, but Marc Murphy breaks ranks by making a point, adding on his Facebook page: People think […]

Wrack and Ruin and Shaggy Dogs

From TV Tropes: A “Shaggy Dog” Story is a plot with a high level of build-up and complicating action, only to be resolved with an anti-climax or ironic reversal, usually one that makes the entire story meaningless. According to author Tony DePaul the just concluded “Wrack and Ruin” story began two and a half years […]

Gannett Comic Switch – 2 Minute Warning

… will introduce a revamped and updated comics section on Monday, Jan. 15… Beginning Jan. 15, we are excited to bring to our San Angelo readers a refreshed comics section… So, here’s what we’re changing beginning Jan. 15… Most(?) Gannett newspapers made the switch last Fall, those left behind will be making the switch this […]

CSotD: A Variety of Snow Jobs

Our impending political disaster is grim enough that Andertoons (AMS) manages to mine it not so much for an actual laugh but, more appropriately, for a grim smile and nod. And he’s right: Once we, or our children or their children, emerge from all this, there will be a rush of people explaining how bad […]

Uncle Tom’s Cabin Illustrated by F.A. McGinn

The Daily Cartoonist joins the public domain crowd by presenting the adaptation of 1927’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin film. Itself an adaptation of the 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe classic which was in public domain at the time of the movie. In 1928 Universal re-released their 1927 silent film Uncle Tom’s Cabin with a soundtrack. The publicity […]

Courtroom Sketch a Hit With Anti-Trumpers

Recent sketches by courtroom artist Christine Cornell showing the latest Donald Trump appearance in the New York fraud case against him have found fans among those who enjoy mocking Trump and his attorney Alina Habba. From Newsweek: Court sketches from Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial have sparked ridicule and mockery online at the way he […]

CSotD: Bouquets and Brickbats

Can’t argue with Danae in today’s Non Sequitur (AMS), though mainly because I don’t want her coming after me on social media. However, while she is an average person for condemning those who disagree with her as “stupid,” even a blind pig finds some acorns, and timing is wonderfully on her side right now. As […]

Brian McConnachie – RIP

Comedy writer Brian McConnachie has passed away. Brian John McConnachie December 23, 1942 – January 5, 2024 The American Bystander reported Brian’s passing: It’s with great sadness that we announce the death of our dear Brian McConnachie. In addition to being the Founder of The American Bystander back in 1981, Brian was essential in its […]

Reader Outcry Keeps Arlo and Janis in Paper

After announcing upcoming changes to their comics page The (Jackson, Miss.) Clarion Ledger heard from fans of Jimmy Johnson‘s comic strip Arlo and Janis, enough to persuade the paper to keep the strip in the paper. Though not on the comics page. And not seven days a week. From Clarion Ledger Executive Editor Mark Konradi: […]


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