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CSotD: Merry Monday

The forum in Davos has just concluded, but I don’t want to talk politics today. However, here’s a cartoon from Jason Adam Katzenstein, so I’m not entirely cynical about things. Not quite. But I laughed, so I guess I’m close. Yesterday, I saw a Fareed Zakaria Davos segment in which a pair of Ukrainian combat […]

New Comic Strip Funny Books

Those fabulous floppy funny books that were everywhere in our youth began as showcases for comic strips. Now, except for the Archie Digests, comic books are only found at select locations. And mostly star super heroes. But once in a while the old traditions return. As Newsarama/Games Radar reports: The adventures of Chester Gould’s iconic […]

CSotD: Rated PG-13 – Parental Caution Urged

Someone emailed me to complain about Thursday’s Barney & Clyde (Counterpoint), not particularly saying it should be forbidden so much as decrying the lack of taste and wondering how it got past the editors. I’ve linked to the specific piece, rather than to the comic’s overall page, in case you’d like to see the comments, […]

CSotD: Six Impossible Things Before November

Bill Bramhall suggests that there may be some logical holes in Trump’s theory of presidential immunity. This cartoon demonstrates how difficult things have become for satirists lately, since Trump has been asked if the president could murder his opponents with impunity. He responded that yes, he could, unless the Senate convicted him for it in […]

Comic Strips and Comic Strip Trivia

The week started, more or less since Monday was a holiday, with a Tuesday adjacent comics synchronicity. Pearls Before Swine and Perry Bible Fellowship follow one after the other on my GoComics feed and Tuesday they both featured what birthdays represent. Thoughts while you’re blowing out those candles. Let’s lighten the mood with a really […]

Cartoonists in the News – A Roundup

Donnie Pitchford, Ralph Steadman, Paul Ackley, Jerry Craft, Clay Jones, Angelo Lopez, Liana Finck, Jim Toomey, Jack Mallette, and the new National Cartoonists Society Board of Directors (Karen Evans, Drew Aquilina, Greg Cravens, John Hambrock, Ellen Liebenthal, Jamar Nicholas, Nick Seluk, Johnny Sampson) Donnie Pitchford part of the Carthage Main Street 2024 Arts Walk of […]

CSotD: ‘Splaining

I’m starting the day with Nick Anderson‘s cartoon following the release of the Justice Department’s 600-page report on the May, 2022, school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. There have been several other cartoons, but, while I don’t expect a cartoonist to read all 600 pages in time to fire off a timely commentary, I didn’t find […]

The New Comics Kingdom Coming Soon

First – a little catching up from Rob Tornoe at Editor & Publisher last Fall: Over at King Features Syndicate, President CJ Kettler doesn’t see comic strips going away anytime soon. In fact, Kettle said the company launched several new comics features this year, including “Break of Day” by Nate Fakes and “Never Been Deader” […]

Tony DePaul on The Phantom Future’s Past

Tony DePaul on his, more-or-less monthly these days, blog chimed in on the just ended Wrack and Ruin: On Phantom matters (which I’m always ambivalent writing about here), the dual-timeline Wrack and Ruin series came to a close last Saturday, after seven chapters and 32 months. It ended with Jeff Weigel’s Phantom reflecting for a […]

CSotD: Fear and Loathing and Cream and Sugar

I’m not exactly on the brink of despair, but Too Much Coffee Man (AMS) is close enough, because I’m beyond the brink of disgust and, yes, very worried about the immediate future. Come to think of it, that may be the definition of “brink of despair,” since I’m not quite in despair yet. However, I […]

The National Cartoonists Society Opens the Reuben Divisional Awards Call for Entries

The National Cartoonists Society has opened its Call For Entries for the annual Reuben Divisional Awards. Calling all cartoonists! The National Cartoonists Society announces its annual call for entries for consideration for the 78th NCS Divisional Reuben Awards, recognizing excellence in professional cartooning for work published in 2023. You do not have to be a member of […]

Wayback Whensday – January Adventures

95 years ago today, on January 17, 1929, E. C. Segar introduced a new character to the comics pages. Popeye had powers far beyond mortal man thanks to the Wiffle Hen and later to spinach. Ten years later, on January 16, 1939, newspaper readers were introduced to another person with “powers and abilities far beyond […]

CSotD: Schrödinger’s World

Dave Whamond notes the latest absurdity in Ron DeSantis’s war on thinking: The Escambia County school district has taken several dictionaries from its shelves because they contain dirty words. Or words that could be considered sexual; several of the dictionaries are edited for children, so we can assume that the most prurient words were not […]


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