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CSotD: Spring Cleaning Time

Michael de Adder offers a State of the Disunion Address for political cartooning. As noted the other day, I suspect that, while several cartoonists are of an age to have been disillusioned by the murder, the reason for the flood of OJ cartoons, most of them set in Hell, seems a desire to jump on […]

How David Fitzsimmons Draws (These Days)

David Fitzsimmons semi-retired at the start of 2023. The joy of being retired is no longer having to rush to meet a deadline. I can draw for pleasure at a leisurely pace. David has taken to writing his Substack columns: David takes us through the unrushed steps of a recent cartoon. In this instance I […]

The Saturday Satchel

Ernest Lawrence Thayer with Brian Nelson and Harvey Kurtzman and Jack Davis, Garfield, Steve Brodner and The Herblock Prize, Jay Stephens’ homage to EC, AI gag writing, a centennial Annie-versary, and Dan Piraro and Wayno and Bizarro. Batter up! Brian Nelson, at The Worcester Telegram, offers a brief history of Casey at the Bat in […]

CSotD: Games People Play

I wish I thought Tank McNamara (AMS) was making an off-the-wall joke here, but it seems perfectly on-the-wall to me. My introduction to sports gambling was also my introduction to local mafia, because when I was in college, I knew a high school kid who sold betting slips and his uncle, who was connected but […]

Neil Grahame, Our Newest Senior Stripper

From newspapers to comic books, from editorial cartoons to comic strips – Neil Grahame covers all the bases. But first we apologize for our belated 90th birthday wishes as Neil was born on March 25, 1934. With some help from Neil, who was kind enough to respond to my inquiries, here’s a career rundown. Neil […]

CSotD: Who Cares and also So What?

Matt Golding offers the only Dead OJ cartoon you will ever need, but it sure isn’t the only Dead OJ cartoon you’re being offered. I suppose it’s because a lot of cartoonists are around 50 years old. My first memory of OJ was that he ruined the homecoming game my freshman year in college, and […]

Leo Michael Debuts as New Cartoonist

From Plastic News: This week’s issue marks the first time since Plastics News was founded in 1989 without a Rich Williams cartoon on the editorial page. So with this issue, we’re introducing readers to Leo Michael. He’s a native of Fairlawn, Ohio, who has been a freelance cartoonist since graduating from the University of Akron. […]

Trina Robbins – RIP

Comix cartoonist and comics “herstorian” Trina Robbins has passed away. Trina Robbins (née Perlson) August 17, 1938 – April 10, 2024 Trina’s daughter Casey informed the world of its loss yesterday: My mother Trina Robbins passed away this morning. We miss her so much already Trina was among the first group of underground comix cartoonists […]

CSotD: Points of Personal Privilege

There’s a lot of political stuff I won’t be addressing today, because I’m tired of politics but also because there are several recent developments that will become cartoons over the next couple of days and I want to wait for them to mature. My objection to Clay Jones’s latest cartoon is purely editorial. I agree […]

Wednesday Whatnots – Peripherals

Artvy is advertising its Milton Caniff inspired AI created illustration “art.” Personally I’m not seeing much Caniff there. Mostly just generic retro magazine figures (without the hands). Kevvo at AdExchanger riffs on the “digital advertising ecosystem.” While we’re discussing stealing… I don’t know why and neither do you, but those unlicensed Calvin and Hobbes “Calvin […]

Real Life Stan Mack

Mack rolled into New York at the dawn of JFK’s New Frontier, toting a degree from the Rhode Island School of Design and a bunch of pens. After becoming art director at the Herald Tribune, rubbing shoulders with notable proponents of an emerging “new journalism” (Breslin, Wolfe, Steinem), he moved on to the New York […]

Women Over 50 Read Comics??!!

From Sandra Bell-Lundy: My Cartooning Life – Hot Flash Woman was a super hero I created for my comic character, Kim, who has a career as a writer. I had a grand time designing her costume with her fishnet stockings and over-the-knee spike boots. (the explanation for the clothing choices is explained in the comics […]


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