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CSotD: Jokers, Poseurs and Thieves

Frazz (AMS) starts us with a reminder that some things can’t be purchased, except of course that they can. As it happens, the strip ran just after the Boston Marathon, as likely planned, but also after a local news story here mentioned that they used to put the medallions indicating that you finished on a […]

Nancy Beiman – A New Start After 60

When Nancy Beiman was 65 and contemplating retirement from her job as a professor of animation, she had no clue as to how she would fill her days. “Many people take up an artistic hobby. But what was I, a professional artist, supposed to do? Take up accounting?” Before she could embark on a crash […]

The Sunday Color Comic Supplement

The current Mary Worth makes me wonder if June Brigman ever drew Angel and the Ape. “According to my research” – No. So Tom Batiuk has moved his Komix Korner format from Funky Winkerbean to Crankshaft. Cricked necks are in the forecast. Earth Day has been cancelled. Yesterday Alley Oop and company blew up the […]

CSotD: According to somebody else’s research …

Pickles (AMS) offers a lovely example of tightrope walking, with a gag that its audience will get, even if they aren’t all that computer literate, but with a wink as well to any cyberly-literate types. “According to my research” is a key phrase for identifying crap thrown together by Artificial Intelligence, the confirming step being […]

The Readers Sent Them A Letter

G. B. Trudeau has gone too far! From The Oregonian: Another reader responds in The Oregonian letters section: A reader was offended by a recent Doonesbury cartoon in which Donald Trump replaced Jesus in cartoonist Garry Trudeau’s version of The Last Supper, (“Readers respond: Comic strip crossed the line,” April 14). Yet Trump has many […]

Obituary Redux

Since The Daily Cartoonist has reported the deaths of Don Wright, Bob Beerbohm, and Trina Robbins others, including The New York Times and The Washington Post, have noted their passing. Don Wright The New York Times Don Wright, Editorial Cartoonist With a Skewer for a Pen, Dies at 90 He won two Pulitzers for Florida […]

CSotD: A Few Timely Passages

Kal Kallaugher could run this anytime, but it’s particularly relevant at the moment, as we face the twin factors of emerging technologies that make forgery and fraud easier, and political operatives who are willing to lie in your face. There have always been kooks in the world, but in addition to the gullible who believe […]

April 20 TCM Alert: Back From The Ink

A program of nine restorations, titled Back From the Ink: Restored Animated Shorts, will premiere at the 2024 TCM Classic Film Festival on Saturday, April 20 at 6:30pm, with an in-person introduction by MacFarlane. Seven shorts directed by Dave Fleischer will be screened: Koko’s Tattoo (1928), Little Nobody (1935), The Little Stranger (1936), Greedy Humpty […]

CSotD: Friday Frivolities

This Far Side sure seemed funny in 1984, but that was 40 years ago and times change. Also, it’s based on a janitor’s innocent error, not on the irresponsible, egotistical jackassery of editors and reporters. It came immediately to mind yesterday when two jurors dropped off the Trump trial because of having been effectively doxxed […]

Paper Gets Sour Grapes from Tim Jones

Tim Jones, who lives in Smithfield with his wife, Kathy, daughters, Eily and Jillian, and large dog, Ezzy, has spent the past decade developing and refining “Sour Grapes,” a self-syndicated comic strip featuring “Aesop,” a miserable flying dog, living in a strange, problematic and troubled world along with his odd family and pet cloud, “Ominous.” […]

CSotD: Preparing the Excuses

There are enough cartoons about Trump falling asleep in court, and, while they say nothing about his guilt or innocence, they make a reasonable argument about his overall fitness for office. From the earliest days of his administration, we heard about him coming to work in the late morning and being unwilling to sit through […]

Mini Morsels (More Midweek Miscellanea)

Signe Wilkinson, Anne Morse Hambrock, Zach Hansen, NCS Reubens, AAEC/ACC Conference, George, John, and Peter – the Gallaghers of Bergen County Signe Wilkinson retired a few years ago but returns occasionally when issues dear to her heart arise. Signe reacted when recently in Philadelphia: With the death of another toddler who accidentally shot themselves after […]

Midweek Museum Miscellany

Louis M. Glackens: Pure Imagination April 14, 2024 through March 30, 2025 Louis Glackens was a trailblazing figure who became one of the first illustrators of animated cartoons from 1915-1920, creating characters for production houses such as Baré, Pathe and Sullivan Studios. His fantastical depictions of mermaids, anthropomorphic beasts and pie-faced grown-ups carved a path […]


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