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Wayback Whensday – Han Ola og han Per

There is no better portrayal of the assimilation of early Houston County [Minnesota] Norwegian emigrants into American culture and society than the brilliant, whimsical newspaper cartoon series of Peter Rosendahl of Spring Grove. The cartoon series was called “Han Ola og han Per,” which translates into English as “Him Ola and him Per,” or “He […]

Connecticut Toonist in King Features Court

Ray Billingsley, creator of Curtis, is featured in a three minute segment on News 12 Connecticut. “Curtis allows me to express myself freely because I am a quiet person,” says Billingsley. In Ray’s words, few have heard his voice, but he speaks to millions—43 million, in fact—who read his daily, syndicated comic strip, Curtis. Born […]

CSotD: Things that just ain’t so

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. — Things Mark Twain didn’t say Here’s a cartoon that Scott Stantis most likely regrets, though it did pop up on the Intertubes last week. But it’s gone now, most likely because Jimmy Carter […]

Comic Strips Back to the Future

Yesterday’s, today’s, and tomorrow’s comic strips. Old Spanish comic strip is new Comics Kingdom comic strip. Goomer by Ricardo Antonino Martínez Ortega (Ricardo) and José Ignacio Moreno Cuñat (Nacho) first appeared, according to Wikipedia, “since 1988 … for “El Pequeño País” Sunday newspaper.” Lambiek’s Comiclopedia says that the character’s “adventures appear in El Mundo since […]

CSotD: Funny But Not Necessarily Silly

This Carpe Diem (KFS) wouldn’t be funny if everybody lined up their cars properly in parking lots, and so the idea that aliens would visit and start things off by being annoying gets a laugh, though perhaps the nitwits who park across the lines won’t get it. And then there are the overthinkers like me, […]

Comics From The Alley

No, not Hogan’s Alley. the alley is the monthly newspaper of the Phillips Community in Minneapolis, and for years they have featured Dave’s Dumpster and Spirit of Phillips) by Dave Moore & Linnea Hadaway. Recently the Alley added Fire Boy by Jude Anikpo (age 11) in their May 2024 edition. (apologies for the awkward split […]

CSotD: Elsewhere in the News

I suppose we should clean up a bit before attempting to move on, and Pat Byrnes offers this example of “They’ll believe anything.” For those who missed it, in an interview on Fox, the recently convicted former president denied ever saying the phrase. He has also recently denied having met E. Jean Carroll or having […]

Sunday Lines of Type

What is the significance of Mr. Gabriel using the old-fashioned linotype to print his sheet? Is Mr. Gabriel a muckraking messenger of God or a publisher of tabloid journalism? Does “etaoin shrdlu” make as much sense to young people as “Klaatu barada nikto” does? Is catching up on Dick Tracy more convenient on Comics Kingdom […]

CSotD: Laughter in the Graveyard

David Ostow is right, and so was my professor, all those years ago. We were reading Hamlet and he led off the day’s discussion by asking what purpose the gravediggers’ scene served. Being sophomores, we knew everything, so we chattered away about rising and falling action and the need for comic relief in a tense […]

Jim Davis’ Comic Strips Before Garfield

Despite being the world’s most syndicated comic, pulling in hundreds of millions of dollars every year, Garfield was originally meant to be very different, even following a different character in Jim Davis’ original vision. The cynical, always hungry tabby has appeared on endless merchandise, starred in various movies and TV shows, and is instantly recognizable […]

CSotD: The Whole World Is … well, you know

Nice of Australian cartoonist Glen LeLievre to offer an All-American image as he sums up global reaction to Trump’s conviction. While conservative cartoonists in this country are beginning to rally around Dear Leader, he’s getting little pity or respect elsewhere in the world. But from England comes Peter Brookes with a response indicating the insult […]


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