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CSotD: Science, Philosophy and Sechlike

Friday’s Baldo (AMS) hit as I was starting to recover from being flat on my back with covid, so it was still painful to laugh but, then again, it was painful to be amused, because I hadn’t even bothered calling my doctor. When I had covid a year or so ago, I couldn’t get in; […]

Cartoonists For Kamala Auctions (plural)

Original art up for auction – some drawn especially for this event, some older art donated for this event. For example: Sergio Aragonés drawn for this event, Garry B. Trudeau from earlier this year donated for the event. Auctions for both the above end later this afternoon, but that doesn’t apply to all the offerings. […]

CSotD: Realms of Bliss, Realms of Darkness

Not sure Fiona Katauskas is being terribly helpful with this cartoon, but it’s at least comforting to know that all the low-information nitwits are not segregated into the United States, and that, if they’re also in Australia, they’re probably everywhere. Which isn’t helpful because we still have to deal with ours, but it’s also not […]

Roger K. Lewis – RIP

Architect and cartoonist Roger K. Lewis has passed away. Roger Kutnow Lewis January 1, 1941 – October 2, 2024 The Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation announced the death of their President and gave a profile: It is with a heavy heart that the Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation announces the passing of our President, Roger K. Lewis, […]

Mehedi Haque: They drew bullets when live bullets were fired

Daily New Age political cartoonist Mehedi Haque reflects on what it was like to draw political cartoons in Bangladesh during the student-led protests and the government’s violent crackdown during the 2024 revolution, which eventually resulted in the ousting of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Over the past year, people never shied away from reminding me that […]

CSotD: Asking the Unaskable Questions

Note: One of my father’s favorite expressions was “If you don’t want to know the answer, don’t ask the rebbi.” This would be an excellent day to skip reading if you don’t want to know. Rob Rogers brings up a matter you’re not supposed to bring up, which makes me wonder if any newspapers will […]

Michael de Adder Let Go by Postmedia – Update

UPDATE Renowned editorial cartoonist Michael de Adder may have lost his job, but he promises he hasn’t lost his voice. The author and illustrator, who is a member of the Order of Canada and has won multiple national newspaper awards, says he was let go by The Chronicle-Herald newspaper this week after nearly 30 years […]

Cartoonist Profiles and Cartoon News

Barry Blitt, Dennis Draughon, Tim Oliphant, Drew Litton, Cathy Wilcox, Jules Feiffer, Ernie Bushmiller, Quino. Randall Enos, and dozens of Cartoonists For Kamala. Pulitzer-Prize winning cartoonist Barry Blitt tired of Trump One might expect that Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Barry Blitt would be on the euphoric side with a coming U.S. election pitting his seemingly favourite […]

CSotD: What is in a name, and other ponderables

Creative spelling, as seen in this Moderately Confused (AMS), is an editor’s nightmare, but one that fortunately has morphed out of control in tune with the technical revolution. I used to run honor role listings in the paper, and, for a while, I’d come across some ridiculous version of a common name and call the […]

Wayback Whensday

With Brenda Starr, Girl Reporter; 19th Century Haitian caricatures; PS: The Preventive Maintenance Monthy magazine; and The U.S. Army Air Force and Warner Bros and Private Snafu Commercial Article 16 – Dale Messick and Brenda Starr: Breaking Barriers and Hitting Deadlines Steven Heller interviews James Sholly about the latest issue of Commercial Article, which “explores […]

Recent Funnies – Notes and Reactions

Always enjoy Robb Armstrong featuring Klondike Ike in JumpStart. For some reason I identify with Frank Cobb, maybe because I’m the only one in comics fandom who has a liking for the David Lettick version of Little Orphan Annie. The most recent short, three strip, Klondike Ike sequence starts here. Sticking with comic strips about […]

Morten Morland Feature Image

Morten Morland leaves The Spectator after 15 years

Morten Morland, who has been drawing covers for The Spectator magazine for the last 15 years, announced on Twitter that he was leaving the weekly magazine. On X/Twitter he wrote: It’s been a fabulous gig, working with great people. It’s been increasingly hard to fit the job in around my commitments for The Times, so […]


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