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P-Nuts, Q-Nuts, We’re All Nuts

We get a two-fer from Ruben Bolling today with him making political hay by utilizing beloved characters. Today’s new Tom the Dancing Bug features five strips featuring Snoopy as The World Famous Trumpist attempting to save America, while today’s Tom the Dancing Bug rerun from October 2, 2020 stars a psuedo-Calvin (with a pseudo-Hobbes) in […]

Steven Lectrr Degryse winning European Cartoon Award cartoon.

Lectrr wins European Cartoon Award

This year’s European Cartoon Award goes to Steven Lectrr Degryse (AKA Lectrr) for his cartoon of Russian opposition leader and political prisoner Alexei Navalny. The award is presented during European Cartoon Day ceremony presented by the European Press Prize and Studio Europa Maastricht. Lectrr’s award winning cartoon: The European Cartoon Award, started in 2019, is dedicated to supporting […]

CSotD: About Last Night (and related issues)

I count on David Rowe to use the time difference between here and Sydney to comment on events while American cartoonists are still selecting their nibs. In this case, I think he misjudges last night’s Fox News interview with Kamala Harris, not because it went well for the Trump crowd but because I can’t believe […]

Wayback Whensday – Way, Way Back

The Creation of the Comic Strip as an Audiovisual Stage in the New York Journal 1896-1900 Eike Exner, for Image Text, explores the origins of “sound” in late 19th Century comics of The New York Journal. Some histories of comics imply that the form started by Outcault was immediately continued by Rudolph Dirks, whose Katzenjammer […]

Gag Mag Cartoonists

New Yorker cartoonists’ events and The New Gag Recap market summary is out. ‘Sunday Brunch at The Hawley Garage’ series opens with two cartoonists Barbara de Vries and The Hawley Garage announce the inaugural “Sunday Brunch at The Hawley Garage” event slated for Sunday, October 27 from 1 to 3 p.m. This gathering will feature […]

CSotD: Spin, Lies and Occasional Facts

Timing is everything, and while Jeff Stahler (AMS)‘s image of the impossibility of getting it back in the tube is hardly a new metaphor, we’re at a stage where we should be wishing there were some way to do it. It’s astounding to have a vice-presidential candidate openly admit that he is willing to tell […]

Miss Cellany Reads Political Cartoon News

Letter to The (Battle Ground, WA) Reflector: So naturally we went to the website which was, we have to think, the actual purpose of writing the letter. I like the idea of local cartoonists cartooning about the local elections for newspapers or for campaigns. I don’t like that there are no credits for the […]

Mohammed al-Ghamdi aka Al-Hazza

Saudi Arabia sentences Mohammed al-Ghamdi to 23 years

The Saudi government has sentenced educator and cartoonist Mohammed al-Ghamdi to 23 years in prison. Mohammed, who drew under the pen name Al-Hazza, was originally arrested in 2018 for allegedly insulting Saudi Arabia but his case was re-opened resulting in a harsher sentence that cannot be appealed. Mohammed, a Saudi citizen, briefly drew cartoons for […]

Hey Kids! Comics! Fun-Adventure-History

Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for October 2024 release (or so).Images and links from a variety of publishers and outlets,though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea. Prince Valiant Artists (illustrators Hardcover Special #19) (Limited Edition) Now is your first chance ever to own […]

CSotD: Tuesday Tittilations

Starting out with this morning’s Cornered (AMS), though at first I had nothing to say about it except that it cracked me up. However, Fair Use demands I make some sort of critique, so I probed deeper. First of all, it’s a great spin on the real stories of Dad running over Junior’s bike which […]

Jerry Fearing – RIP

Editorial and comic strip cartoonist Jerry Fearing has passed away. Jerome Walter (Jerry) Fearing July 16, 1930 – October 12, 2024 Jerry’s son Mark spread the word to friends that his father has passed. From the family obituary: Renowned cartoonist, Jerry Fearing died peacefully in the early morning of October 12, 2024 in Rochester Minnesota […]

Amber Waves Comes to Comics Kingdom

The King Features Weekly Service (KFWS) comic strip Amber Waves by Dave Phipps is joining the Comics Kingdom lineup. While they haven’t got the strips running there yet they do have a holding page. Experience a day in the life of a boy named Gerald, his parents, his best friend Owen, and all the pigs, […]

CSotD: Happy No Mail/Banks Closed Day

I’ve noted in the past that for empty-nested, retired folks, holidays are when the banks are closed and there’s no mail delivery, but I’ll happily let Arlo & Janis (AMS) make the point again. The United States has two levels of federal holidays: Those we actually observe — New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, […]


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