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CSotD: Seasons Change and So Should You

Just a quick reminder from Madam & Eve that not everyone is starting to anticipate winter. We’ve just hit apple-picking season up here and winter can’t be far behind, but for those on the opposite side of the Equator, it’s nearly spring. I’ll be pleased when the pollen ends up here, and, oddly enough, happy […]

Digital Playbill for 78th Reuben Awards

The National Cartoonists Society has published their Playbill for 2024’s 78th Reuben Awards and NCS Conference in a sixty page digital edition making it available to for those of us who didn’t get to San Diego last month. Says NCS: We are pleased to showcase this year’s Reuben Awards playbill in a digital edition. Thank […]

CSotD: Weakend Wrapup

Clay Bennett (CTFP) seems more surprised by Dick Cheney’s decision than I was, which is to say I wasn’t surprised by his decision but by the fact that he made his intentions public. However, it is, after all, one of a surprising number of such endorsements beginning to emerge. If I were a traditional, old […]

AAEC/ACC Convention Schedule Updated

Wes Tyrell, President of the Association of Canadian Cartoonists (ACC), and Jack Ohman, President of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC), have both signed off on the updated schedule of the joint ACC/AAEC Montreal Convention to be held October 3 – 6, 2024. Below is the new updated schedule. Featuring: Aislin, Lalo Alcaraz, Barry […]

Today’s Comic Strip Oddities & Curiosities

So alphabetically Loose Parts follows Looks Good on Paper and yesterday they had an eruptive juxtaposition. Joining in the Mutts 30th anniversary celebration is the only not-Patrick McDonnell cartoonist, that I know of, to draw a Mutts comic strip – Jim Keefe. At his Patreon account Keefe tells how it happened that he partnered with […]

CSotD: Getting It/Not Getting It

How on earth, someone asked me yesterday, can the polls could be so close? My response was to ask who answers polls anymore, and everyone there admitted that they don’t respond to polls on their cell phones, leaving the answers in the hands of god knows who. Which makes Joel Pett’s imaginary pollster a hero, […]

Editorials Illustrated

Rounding up a few items about editorial cartoonists and cartooning. For 13 months political commentator Michael Smerconish had had cartoonists contributing exclusive political cartoons to his newsletter three or four times a week; for the most part they have been Steve Breen, Jack Ohman, Rob Rogers, and Scott Stantis. Now he is publishing those cartoons […]

SaltWire Network Now Part of Postmedia, “company known to ‘slash and burn'”

Postmedia, Canada’s largest newspaper publisher, has taken ownership of major parts of SaltWire Network, the largest newspaper group in the Atlantic Canada region. From the CBC: SaltWire publishes newspapers in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador, including the Halifax Chronicle Herald, the Cape Breton Post and the St. John’s Telegram. Earlier this month, a […]

CSotD: A Festival of Futility

Ann Telnaes combines her anguish over the crackdown on women’s rights under the reconstituted Afghan government with her fury over the assault on women’s rights and dignity by JD Vance and his misogynistic followers. Don’t say “It can’t happen here,” because it’s already happening here with the overturning of Roe v Wade, cutbacks to freedom […]

Wayback Whensday: Walt Kelly’s Can’t & No!

Walt Kelly’s Can’t Record Storybook Cover and Story Page Original Art Group of 28 (1969) Heritage Auctions has a preview of an upcoming lot by Walt Kelly for bid: Walt Kelly, the genius behind Pogo, brings his whimsical charm to a delightful children’s story. Created for the 28-page storybook accompanying a 45-RPM vinyl record that […]

Guard Dog Book and Mutts’ 30th Year

Yesterday saw the release of Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story and tomorrow will be the 30th anniversary of the Mutts comic strip. The Daily Cartoonist is splitting the difference and celebrating both today. First the book. From the award-winning syndicated comic strip Mutts, the long-awaited “Guard Dog” story is now collected and presented in […]

CSotD: The Mudville Report

Lisa Benson — Counterpoint Mike Lester — AMS Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,But there is no joy in Mudville— Donald Trump is striking out. Make no mistake: Trump has not struck out […]

Everybody’s going out an’ having fun

Sez Keefer: The Orange Dotard’s trip to Arlington National Cemetery and the foolishness that ensued reminded me on this classic strip by Cat cartoonist B. Kliban. I had to pay homage. Keith Knight is having fun with a cartoon classic. Check out Keith Knight’s Substack where he posts the above (th)ink cartoon and the original. […]


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