CSotD: Personal takes and square deals

Who says comics can’t be educational? Today’s Andertoons (AMS) sent me scrambling for the googles, where, by yompin’ yiminy, I discovered that, indeed, wombats poop cubes. Which sounds like a barroom expression: “I was so scared, I was pooping cubes!” Which it could still be, mind you. But the interesting thing is that the Science…

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CSotD: The Stupids Step Up

Harry Allard’s 1974 book “The Stupids Step Out” has been banned in many places because it’s not funny to refer to people as “stupid,” though you might try the transactional explanation, “It’s not that you’re stupid. It’s that you do stupid things.” Which seems worse, but I’m not going to defend the term, having merely…

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CSotD: Monday Round-up

Flo’s Diner in Non Sequitur (AMS) had a new customer this past week, one who could rival Captain Eddie in the slinging of entertaining baloney. The arc concluded Saturday with, as Eddie said, a chilling bit of reality. It’s no secret that the Orwellian-named “Freedom Caucus” has control of the House, but it helps to…

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Newspaper Well Check/Death Watch

Joshua Benton at Nieman Lab: Gannett, America’s largest newspaper chain, should wake up each morning thankful for the existence of No. 2 Alden Global Capital. It’s the type of company that inspires debates over whether “vulturous” is too kind of an adjective. If you’re writing an Atlantic cover story on “Who Killed America’s Newspapers?” Alden…

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CSotD: Different sorts of awards

I will confess I haven’t seen any of the movies up for Oscars tomorrow night, but I will declare Drew Sheneman’s piece to be Best Picture, not of the year but of the week, because comedies don’t get honored often enough and, after a few weeks of sorting through increasingly repetitive cartoons about drag queens…

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CSotD: Tick-tock, Tik Tok

Aislin lays out the threat Tik Tok poses: As a Chinese-owned company, there’s a strong suspicion that the Chinese government could tap into user accounts. It’s a pretty wide reach, according to Statista, though I note their chart of the top audiences doesn’t include Aislin’s native Canada. (8.3 million, out of a total population of…

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