CSotD: Finding Humor in Despair

I’m interpreting this Joy of Tech cartoon as a cry for help, but not on behalf of coders who may indeed find their jobs being taken over by AI. As the cartoon suggests, while the task of coding is precisely the sort of mind-numbing detail work artificial intelligence could take over, the job of coding…

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Comic Stripping The Week That Was

Slylock Fox Bumped for The Pig Family on Vacation Bumping Slylock Fox from his own strip last week Friday was The Pig Family (unofficial attribute by commenters). It was a nice change and when they reappeared this past Wednesday it got my hopes up that a recurring guest spot would become a regular feature this…

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CSotD: Land of Confusion

There’s not a whole lot we can agree on these days, but Michael Ramirez (Creators) touches on one sacred principle: When the margins are tight, everybody counts, including people who, in better times, would be jettisoned. The two situations are not identical: Dianne Feinstein is a long-serving, heroic figure, and it’s tragic that she can’t…

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