CSotD: A Right in Search of a Wrong

Dr. MacLeod takes advantage of the smoke from the Canadian wildfires to comment on the Supreme Court session just ended. He may be overstating things a bit, since the court’s decisions weren’t universally awful. After all, they included the slapdown of the independent state legislative authority theory as well as turning away an example of…

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CSotD: A story too good to check

Patrick Blower isn’t the only one roped in by an international fraud. The notion that kids were “identifying” as animals began with an intentional lie in this country some years ago and, when it resurfaced last summer, it was almost immediately slapped down as transphobic propaganda. There were no kids who thought they were cats,…

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CSotD: Thoughts in a humorous vein

Dan Rosen echoes a gripe I’ve gone on about before: Don’t ask me to pay your staff. And, if you don’t pay your staff adequately, don’t ask me to believe you would distribute tips honestly. Nearly every business in town has “help wanted” signs out. Get your act together. But this cartoon hit at a…

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Wayback Whensday Wonders

Jimmy Dodge-a-Job and the Little Folks of Tumbledown Town Allan Holtz presents us with most wonderful samples of cartooning from 1918. Two full pages of Jimmy Dodge-a-Job from the mysterious James Stewart makes one wonder why he did not reach a justly deserved fame. Teena by Hilda Terry HIlda Terry gained fame more for reasons…

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CSotD: While we await Bull Run

Man Overboard provides our only semi-political observation of the day, and I’m sure there will be more to come after Trump has faced Cannon fire. But let’s have a day of silly things while we wait. Though silly is as silly does (or something) and Mr Boffo reminds me of the lessons I learned at…

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