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The New Advance Local Comics Pages Roll Call

We have had a couple Advance Locals (MLive Media and The Post-Standard) inform us of their coming revisions to the comics pages with Jim Glick, Director of Enterprise Content & Design for Print at Advance Local, giving further details in comments at both items linked above. Now The Cleveland Plain Dealer/ has given their readers […]

CSotD: Take A Sip From The Firehose

As Herbert suggests, we’ve got a full plate, in keeping with Steve Bannon’s advice to flood the zone with shit so that the opposition has no time to deal with any of it. As Dan Perkins (“Tom Tomorrow”) told the Irish Times in Trump’s first administration, [It’s] like waking up and saying ‘I’d like a […]

The Comic Strips of Jules Feiffer

Jules Feiffer got his start in newspaper comics, though they were a strange sort of newspaper comics. A young teenage Feiffer was hired by Will Eisner to work in the Eisner Studio as an assistant – erasing pencil lines, filling in spotted blacks, ruling borders, etc. The Grand Comics Database’s (GCD) first credit for Feiffer […]

CSotD: Some Timely Levity

One of those cases where the timing is fortuitous but accurate. A few more editorial cartoonists have stepped up with commentary on the Oval Office Ambush and we’ll get to them, but they’ll keep and, as Royston’s announcer says, things are depressing enough that we’ll go right to the weather (which has been good here) […]

Cartoonist Profiles CCV

A Stan Mack interview; a Milton Caniff profile; a Tim Jackson appreciation; a John Rose video interview; a visit with Rob Moreland; and a Colin Whittock obituary. Funny Friends: an interview with Stan Mack Funny TimGreg Lynch for The Dayton Daily Newses’ Mia Beach presents a short interview with cartoonist Stan Mack. You originally had […]

Advance Papers March in with New Unified Comics Pages

Advance Publication newspapers are revising their comics pages this month. The other day we noted that MLive Media, an Advance group, would add more comics in mid-March 2025. Jeff Glick, Director of Enterprise Content & Design for Print at Advance Local, informed us that it wasn’t just the Michigan group revising and adding to their […]

CSotD: The Whole World Is Cringing

Sometimes it’s easier to be a gag cartoonist than a political cartoonist, but this is not one of those times. I had, briefly, planned to run humorous pieces today while I waited for the editorialists to catch up, but fortunately they leapt to their drawing boards, because, like Sipress, I don’t find anything very funny […]

Don’t Get Around Much Anymore – If I Did…

Billy Ireland’s New Yorker Centennial Celebration! New Yorker Centennial Celebration! Join us on Saturday, March 1 for a special program celebrating the centennial of The New Yorker magazine and a reception for our new exhibit, See Anyone You Know? The New Yorker Cartoons and Covers of Edward Koren. This event is FREE and open to the public. No […]

This Week in Comic Stripping

Breaking Cat People News Taking a break from breaking cat news is Breaking Cat News getting into breaking people news this week. People news involves those in control of our lives and governments, and Georgia Dunn goes there: Georgia leads off the comments by telling her readers why: For folks not loving a strip touching […]

CSotD: The Way We Live Now

I’m tempted to invite you to read Joel Pett’s cartoon, thank you for coming and remind you to tip your waitress, because he manages to pack an awful lot of current events into his piece, with greedy billionaires and without a lot of exaggeration or irony to puzzle the reader. Obviously, they’re not this direct, […]

MLive Media Adding Comics

The MLive Media Group has announced it is adding comic strips to their print editions. Two new comics to their Sunday Funnies and 12(!) to their daily comics pages: Starting March 18, our eight Michigan newspaper titles are adding 8 new comic strips to our Sunday newspaper lineup – 6 will be available in our […]

CSotD: The Center Cannot Hold

I hadn’t planned on featuring any more “list of accomplishment” cartoons, since, as said the other day, they were fairly identical and uninspired, but Matson has broken through with this piece, since we’ve entered a moment when the oligarchs seem to be losing their grip. Specifically, Republican lawmakers have been advised by their leadership to […]

The Press: Audits & Other News

Report on 2024 Newspaper Circulation The combined average daily circulation of the 25 largest audited newspapers in the US dropped 12.7% in the year to the end of September 2024, new data shows. The figures, supplied to Press Gazette by the Alliance for Audited Media, show that none of the top US titles increased their […]

CSotD: I Believe We Could Use Some Laughs

This is as political as I plan to get today. I’m awash in political cartoons with sarcastic responses to Musk’s demand that people tell five things they accomplished last week, mostly showing Trump filling out the form and varying from okay to more than okay but only a couple reaching brilliant. Ali Solomon, however, frames […]


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