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I Don’t Know Why You Say Good-bye, I Say Hello!

Rudy was a brilliant comic strip that proved to be, as the phrase goes, “too smart for the room.” There have been several, and I’ve mourned them. I was particularly depressed when Norm Feuti’s Retail failed to catch fire. When I shared the preview packet with young people around my office, they shrieked with laughter, […]

CSotD: A Hard Reign of Folly Is Gonna Fall

There is such a thing has having too much good material, and while Pat Bagley was able to squeeze in seven examples of supremely unqualified Trump appointees, cartoonists strain to keep up. Like a magician pulling rabbits from a hat, just when you think there can’t possibly be another in there and that there’s no […]

Charlie Hebdo mock god contest

Charlie Hebdo to Mock God for 10th Anniversary of Attack

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the deadly Charlie Hebdo office attack, the French satirical magazine is inviting cartoonists from around the world to submit cartoons mocking God. The deadline for submission is December 18 at 6pm French time. The contest was announced in their November 14 edition calling for those who are “tired of […]

Popeye the Public Domain Man

2025 brings with it a new batch of public domain creations, most famous among those from the comics are Popeye by E. C. Segar and Tintin by Hergé. I know little about Tintin so we’ll go with The Sailor Man. But first, as is our custom with public domain stories, we turn to the Duke […]

CSotD: Reality and other superstitions

Jeff Stahler (AMS) ruins all our fun by pointing out the obvious, which is that there are a lot of theories about drones that are downright screwy and that Occam’s razor continues to rule: The simplest explanation is generally correct. One night in the depths of winter, a group of us were on a hilltop […]

The Phantom’s All-New Origin and Other Future Funnies

Tony DePaul has announced his intention to write “an extended version of the Phantom’s origin myth.” Says The Phantom comic strip writer: Falk tended to vary the specifics in his 63 years of telling the Phantom’s genesis. He was hardly a stickler for continuity. The fundamentals were there, but names changed, language changed, the year […]

Churchill in Cartoons: Satirising a Statesman

How Political Cartoonists Saw Winston Churchill

London’s Imperial War Museum opened an exhibit examining how political cartoonist around the world. From Smithsonian Magazine’s website: The free exhibition features 24 original cartoons that span Churchill’s entire career in the public eye, from his early days as a politician—the oldest cartoon on display is from 1909—to his two terms as prime minister in […]

New Yorker Fun and Games Issue

The New Yorker’s annual Cartoons and Puzzles special issue is coming to your bookstore and newsstand shelves, or maybe to your mailbox. The Kate Beaton cover starts it off with a combination of cartoon and puzzle. And the New Yorker online contents page shows the special features (some shown above). Of course the famed New […]

CSotD: Mistakes, Errors & Downright Lies

Spanish cartoonist Christian Mirra (Cartoon Movement) poses a problem: In English, the Sixth Commandment is normally translated as “Thou shalt not kill,” but he uses the term “murder.” Is it an intentional distinction or a matter of someone for whom English is a second language? When I went to doublecheck which commandment that was, I […]

The Sunday Funnies, Section Two

So whatever did happen to Lyman? Jeff Corriveau supplies the answer in today’s Deflocked. I ain’t got no higher learnin’ in English, but I gotta argue with Ralph Hagen here. From my western upbringing that second panel statement (and those following) in today’s The Barn should be, “I’se lookin’ fer the varmint WHAT stole my […]

Hey Kids! Comics! Winter Reading

Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for December 2024 release (or so). Images and links from a variety of publishers and outlets, though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea. COMICS REVUE PRESENTS December 2024 by various; cover by Jeremy MacPherson America’s longest-running magazine of […]

CSotD: More Complaints Because I’m Good At It

Today’s first complaint is simple: Either this is a multi-panel caption contest or GoComics didn’t print the black plate in Barney & Clyde (Counterpoint). But I scrounged around and found a different version. When I was doing education work, I ran Short Cuts, a weekly full-page educational cartoon that was sent in two parts for […]

We Want the Funny Pages

Before the week begins, some stuff from the past week. Is it my imagination or is politics springing up more often in comic strips these days? e.g.: For Heaven’s Sake. And Jules Rivera seems to be creating Mark Trail plots more and more from what-the-future-may-bring scuttlebutt or crazy congresspeople conspiracy conjecture. I’m a big fan […]

CSotD: Patience, Patients

Clay Bennett (CTFP) starts us off today with a cartoon that is problematic on a couple of levels. The main issue is the one he intends, which is that the current fury over health insurance companies is overwhelming the spirit of Christmas. No argument there. But there’s another issue in that “good will toward men” […]


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