Richard Marschall and Theodore Roosevelt

The Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University was built to study and analyze the life and legacy of the 26th President. The university recently hired a cartoon archivist who will add to Roosevelt’s legacy, and he says it’s a position you can’t find anywhere else. And that cartoon archivist? To continue making this digital…

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CSotD: Comedy, Tragedy and Catharsis

Let’s start with Kal Kallaugher’s response to watching the President break down in front of our eyes. According to “The Final Days,” Woodward and Bernstein’s follow-up to “All the President’s Men,” Nixon became quite unglued as the prospect of impeachment loomed more and more likely, but I suppose the price we pay for Trump’s “authenticity”…

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Steve Bell Rejects Antisemitic Label, Confused as to The Guardian’s Motives

  In all email to all the paper’s journalists, Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell has attacked his editors’ refusal to run his latest cartoon, suggesting it is due to “some mysterious editorial line” about antisemitism. In the latest submission by Mr Bell, whose cartoons have appeared in the paper since 1981, Labour deputy leader Tom Watson is…

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