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CSotD: Communications Breakdown

Eric Allie (Counterpoint) offers a sort of “I know you are, but what am I?” analysis of Cancel Culture, in which, he contends, liberal attempts to control disinformation have become an attack on free speech. There is, obviously, no lack of Cancel Culture happening at the moment, and not just Ron DeSantis limiting the ability […]

New Bill Watterson Book – Fall ’23

News is breaking of a new book by Bill Watterson and John Kascht scheduled for release on October 10, 2023. From Bill Watterson, bestselling creator of the beloved comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, and John Kascht, one of America’s most renowned caricaturists, comes a mysterious and beautifully illustrated fable about what lies beyond human understanding.  What little […]

For Gorsake … This is Serious!

It is Australia’s most famous, most important, and most copied cartoon. It was used as the cover for cartoonist Stan Cross’s biography, it was used as the cover for a history of Australian cartooning, it is the basis for the Australian Cartoonists Association’ Stanley Award, and more often than not lately it is the inspiration […]

Sam Richardson, Taos News Team Up

The Taos News is the latest newspaper to engage in a growing habit we heartily endorse. The weekly paper has secured the services of Sam Richardson to provide cartoons on local conditions and events. From The Taos News: We’re bringing a new cartoonist into the mix here at the paper. Local artist Sam Richardson answered […]

CSotD: Love is allegedly in the air

Let’s kick off today’s coverage with a 2008 Frazz in which Caulfield once more demonstrates his grasp of what matters and what doesn’t. I’ll grant you that I bristle a little at “less” and “fewer” mistakes, but not enough to interrupt a conversation over it. I save that for “may have” and “might have,” because […]

Rick McKee Opens an AI Pandora’s Box

Editorial cartoonist Rick McKee opined on the new Artificial Intelligence use of creating art works and cartoon images by utilizing an AI software application to help create his most recent cartoon. Rick explained on Facebook: I generated the bulk of this cartoon using MidJourney, a text-to-image generating AI. After many failed attempts and lots of […]

CSotD: The Truth is Probably Out There

Well, that’s over, or so you might think: Now that the Super Bowl has been played, the season is concluded, right? Well, no, and this morning’s Mr. Boffo correctly predicted the outcome: Last night’s game was close and so, of course, there is a play that fans of the losing team will obsess over until […]

Weatherbirdman Dan Martin Interview

Every day, a cartoon bird appears on the front page of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch doing something different –– swinging a bat, commenting on national politics, flying a helicopter. Well, we don’t really need to explain, because if you’re from St. Louis, you’ll know what we’re talking about. The Weatherbird is St. Louis.  But the […]

CSotD: Truth and Illusion and Carrying On

There’s not much to say about the place of truth and illusion in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? without spoilering Edward Albee’s play, which is nearly as mandatory to watch as George Orwell is to read if you want any insights on what’s happening around us today. Let’s just say it deserved the stack of […]

Comics Related Whatnot

TCM showcased Dick Tracy last night with a few of the detectives movies from the 1940s. Also was a half hour presentation featuring Warren Beatty as himself and as Dick Tracy. Everyone seems to agree that the “interview” was bizarre, so why did it happen? Den of Geek explains: You’d think in the age of […]

CSotD: Saturday Morning Cartoons

If I were going to address politics today — which I am not — I’d have given Scott Stantis the Great Timing Award for dropping this Prickly City (AMS) just as yet another Republican congresscritter appears to have turned in a piece of autobiographical fiction. Alternative facts? The GOP is promoting alternative lives! Or I […]

Christopher Weyant – Magazine v. Editorial Cartooning

Christopher Weyant is an editorial cartoonist for The Boston Globe and Cagle Cartoons, and a magazine cartoonist for The New Yorker (and book illustrator and advertising artist and other graphic endeavors). Strip Search with London & Chianca recently interviewed Chris with a partial transcript appearing on The Boston Globe’s website. Excerpt from that transcript: […]

Charlie Hebdo’s Earthquake Cartoon

Charlie Hebdo is the French satire magazine mostly famous (infamous?) for printing and reprinting cartoons of Mohammed, though they attack all religions. But their Islamophobia was again on display when, hours after the horrific Turkish-Syrian earthquake that has resulted in over 20,000 dead, Charlie Hebdo produced a cartoon joking about the disaster. The cartoon was […]

CSotD: Rotting from the head

Prickly City (AMS) has been looking askance at the GOP lately, which would be unremarkable if the strip weren’t a conservative outlet or if we were living in a normal world. However, we’re in a world in which “conservative” seems increasingly to mean going along with the party line. Moving your lips while you cling […]


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