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New Daily Cartoonist Feature: The Daily Digest

We have exciting news! We have a new newsletter service to replace the Google FeedBurner service that shuttered in 2021. Starting today, you can subscribe to our newsletter, The Daily Digest, to stay up-to-date with the latest industry news and commentary. The newsletter will go out each morning around 9a/6a Eastern/Pacific time and includes a […]

CSotD: March comes in bold and bright

I’m with Lola (AMS), though, since it seems like being nice doesn’t reach across the chasm either, it’s hard to resist the temptation to least amuse ourselves. And there’s no lack of ammunition. I’ve got a pile of political cartoons ready to unleash, and thank goodness DD Degg handled and linked to the mass of […]

Dilbert Cancelled

Not The Last Dilbert Post

As much as I would like to echo Mike’s sentiment of being “done with the Dilbert thing” there is still one more post for me to make – the final stats when the last Dilbert comic strip hits the newspapers. It is possible that Adams will set up a self-syndicating system, but that is extremely […]

Mt. Pleasant 2021 – 2023

Mt. Pleasant by Rick McKee and Kent Sligh has ended. Cartoonist Rick McKee notified readers Monday on the GoComics site: Yes, unfortunately, this is the end here. We began Mt. Pleasant two years ago in what was already a challenging newspaper market, with very limited space available for new comics. We knew it would be […]

CSotD: Complaint Department

I’m done with the Dilbert thing, which makes it frustrating that there are suddenly a boatload of editorial cartoons popping up, many of them very good . . . but a little late. I like Lee Judge (KFS)‘s because, yeah, the guy has gone off into the sunset. I’ll grant you that things happened fast. […]

Elsewhere/when in the Funny Pages

One comic strip has taken over the headlines this weekend, but there are others in the funny papers. Or is that funny pages? Today Ziggy took me back to another who advised against taking life too serious. A bit surprised no one mentioned Pogo in the Ziggy comments. The Man, The Legend Also not mentioned […]

CSotD: Dancing on Dilbert’s Grave

Yesterday’s F Minus (AMS) is clearly coincidental, given that it was not only written and drawn but printed and sitting in newspaper mailrooms well before Scott Adams immolated himself last week. But it’s a good summary of the story nonetheless, given the number of people rushing to proclaim that they never liked the sumbitch or […]

Scott Adams

Scott Adams Responds to Cancellation

Scott Adams response to the Dilbert cancellation from his Twitter account: Dilbert has been cancelled from all newspapers, websites, calendars, and books because I gave some advice everyone agreed with. (My syndication partner canceled me.) and I’ve lost three careers to direct racism so far. Crocker Bank, Pacific Bell, and cartooning. All three were perpetrated […]

Andrews McMeel drops Scott Adam's Dilbert.

Andrews McMeel Drops Scott Adams

Andrews McMeel Universal announced late Sunday evening that they will no longer associate with Scott Adams. The full AMU statement: Andrews McMeel Universal is severing our relationship with Dilbert creator Scott Adams. The process of this termination will extend to all areas of our business with Adams and the Dilbert comic strip. As a media and communications company, […]

Another One (or 3) Bites the Dust

The final print editions of The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times, and The Mobile Press-Register, the three newspapers that comprised Advance Local’s Alabama Media Group, rolled off the presses this morning. From The final editions of the three largest newspapers in Alabama have one unifying theme: Alabama Media Group journalists will continue to evolve […]

CSotD: Classic Comedy, if you can keep it

After the way cartoons have gotten punched around this week — one in particular — First Dog on the Moon‘s take on AI and the art form is particularly solid. I often feel a little guilty featuring the whole thing, and you should realize that he does others I don’t show here and that you […]

100 Years of N.Y. Daily News Sunday Funnies

The New York Daily News began in 1919 and it took about two years for The New York Sunday News to appear. After about another two years, on February 25, 1923, the paper began running a Sunday color comics supplement. Here is the section from 100 years ago by way of These days the […]

CSotD: Table Talk

Vladimir Putin has given cartoonists a gift with his long table, which seems to be linked to germaphobia, perhaps a symptom of OCD, perhaps an indication of actual poor health and vulnerability. Rumors about his health abound but are never definitively confirmed nor definitively disputed. Man Overboard takes advantage of the iconic furniture to make […]


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