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CSotD: Interesting Times

Tom Tomorrow packs a lot into six panels here. There is, by the way, no Chinese curse of “May you live in interesting times,” and people who quote alleged Chinese, African or Native American wisdom without sourcing it should be horsewhipped, but that’s a rant for another day. Fact is, we’re living in times that […]

Al Jaffee – RIP

Beloved cartoonist Al Jaffee has passed away. From The Washington Post: Al Jaffee, the ingenious Mad magazine illustrator who was as adept at creating wacky cartoon gags as he was at producing caustic social commentary, and whose drawings, he cheerfully suggested, helped corrupt the minds of generations of young Americans, died April 10 at a […]

2022 Book Scan Graphic Books Report

Brian Hibbs at Comics Beat does a deep dive into the 2022 NPD Book Scan Report. Ludicrously, this is the twentieth annual report of something that is hard to exactly perceive and understand: the size and shape of the sales of graphic novels and trade paperbacks through the book store market, as seen through the […]

CSotD: Monday Funny Pages

Stephen Collins wrote a cheerful alternative holiday cartoon, starring the pagan goddess Eostre, who may or may not have inspired many of our Easter traditions, as this research into the story suggests. That article traces Eostre back to a mention by the Venerable Bede, which was picked up by a trusting Jacob Grimm, and then […]

Not Passing Over Easter Weekend Roundup

Joe Cool Type Cool From NBC News: The American Red Cross partnered with the popular Peanuts cartoon brand to create an exclusive T-shirt featuring Snoopy for people donating blood. Now, the shirt is going viral on TikTok and first-time blood donors are showing up to get their hands on the exclusive merch. The Red Cross […]

CSotD: While waiting for CBS and Billy Ireland

I was poking around in 1973, looking to see what Easter cartoons might have run a half century ago, but found they were pretty much the same as what was running this Easter. And then I stumbled over this fascinating package from the Los Angeles Times, a pair of articles about comics by two very […]

2023 Eisner Hall of Fame Inductees and Nominees

San Diego Comic Convention (Comic-Con) has announced that the Eisner Awards judges have selected 15 individuals to automatically be inducted into the Will Eisner Comic Awards Hall of Fame for 2023. These inductees include 11 deceased comics pioneers and 4 living creators. The deceased greats are: Jerry Bails, Tony DeZuniga, Justin Green, Jay Jackson, Jeffrey […]

CSotD: Seeking Asylum

Lyndon offers an optimistic thought in this morning’s Pros & Cons (KFS): As bad as things appear at the moment, we can still hope that incompetence will overcome megalomania, greed and corruption. It always has in the past, though, granted, that’s of little consolation for those crushed before the inevitable collapse. But, with luck, our […]

Jim Strahle – RIP

Cartoonist Jim Strahle has passed away. From the obituary: Jim was a 1966 graduate of Parkview High School in Springfield, MO, where he began drawing cartoons for the school newspaper. However, it was ten years later, at the mark of his reunion, that he was prompted to finally face his fears about cartooning and work […]

From Court Sketch to New Yorker Cover

Jane Rosenberg‘s courtroom sketch of former president Donald Trump scowling at his recent Manhattan arraignment has not only gone viral, but has gone to the cover of The New Yorker. From Newsweek: The Reuters Pictures Twitter page shared a courtroom sketch of Trump by Jane Rosenberg—that has now been viewed two million times—before social media […]

CSotD: The Perils of Sarcasm and Subtlety

If we sing the praises of a comic strip that hits a news item on the moment despite its lead time, we should point out when one doesn’t, but today’s La Cucaracha (AMS) isn’t that simple a case. It’s not just that we haven’t seen “another Biden bank collapse,” and not just because there’s no […]

Peter Shelley – RIP

Musician and Robotman creator Peter Shelley has passed away. From the obituary: Peter Shelley, (née Southworth), born in London, England, February 28, 1943, passed away from cancer at his home in Victoria, BC on March 23, 2023, with his three children at his side, his humour never failing. He started his music career in A&R […]


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