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Comic Strips in the News

Bill Griffith and Ernie Bushmiller, Rick Stromoski, Barbara Brandon-Croft, King Features Syndicate, Pogo It’s been a long time coming but we’ll soon have it in our hands. ICv2 reminds of an upcoming Bill Griffith book: Bill Griffith, creator of the long-running Zippy comic strip, takes a fellow cartoonist and the history of comic strips themselves […]

CSotD: A Suddenly Disassembling America

Bruce MacKinnon got the most out of the Space X launch. For all the horse laughs at Musk’s expense, he had only predicted a 50% chance of success and some people who seem to know about this stuff agree with him that it was a necessary way to learn about what works and what doesn’t […]

Peter Pickersgill – RIP

Political cartoonist Peter Pickersgill has passed away. From the CBC notice: Longtime political cartoonist, radio commentator and author Peter Pickersgill of Salvage, N.L., has died. According to an online funeral home obituary, Pickersgill — whose 2003 book Neither Here nor There: Reflections on the Smiling Land chronicled his observations on half a century of his time in […]

CSotD: Friday on the Funny Pages

Though I’m doing funny pages stuff today, I’m featuring Dave Whamond’s editorial cartoon on the basis that it’s funny, which seems to be the only way to comment on the Elongated Muskrat’s adventures anymore, as you might have noticed when his rocket blew up yesterday and a wave of schadenfreudey laughter washed over the world. […]

Clearing Some Clutter in the Queue

Awards, 1923 Comics, Special Guests, Best Sellers, Stuff Here is your reminder that some as yet unnamed cartoonist will be awarded a 2023 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award in the Editorial Cartooning category on May 3. Register to watch the ceremonies live. Previewing the Past As mentioned here before Paul Berge’s habit on weekends is […]

Paper’s Solution To Cartoon Criticism? Less

I’m writing this as a concerned citizen of Napa and former president of PFLAG Napa. Tom Stiglich’s cartoon on April 13 was thoughtless and offensive. Transgender and non-binary people are not to be made fun of as Mr. Stiglich suggests… The cartoon published Thursday by Tom Stiglich is ignorant and promotes hate speech. It is […]

CSotD: Elsewhere in the news

It’s important not to downplay the significance of the Fox/Dominion dustup, because the responsible flow of trustworthy information matters to a democracy and, as discussed, we haven’t solved the problem here. But there are other things going on in the world and Brandan Reynolds’ cartoon highlights something very major. Africa is in turmoil, and, as […]

CSotD: The Unsettling Settlement

David Rowe captures the significance of the last-minute settlement between Fox and Dominion Voting Systems: It’s less a punishment for having spread malicious lies to a trusting audience than it is hush money paid to make a problem go away. As he notes, the MAGA crowd will continue to play the role of gullible marks […]

Cartoonists – Here, There, and Everywhere

Upcoming appearances by cartoonists. Political Cartoons from the Holocaust to Ukraine: Resistance to Tyranny This webinar will explore the use of political cartoons during the Holocaust and in today’s war in Ukraine. Political cartoons give hard-hitting social commentary on critical events to influence action. Dr. Rafael Medoff will speak about cartoonists who documented the atrocities […]

CSotD: US Security and Insecurity

Walt Handelsman isn’t the only cartoonist to depict little kids as the source of the recent security leak, and it’s important to note two things: One is that the leaker, Jack Teixeira, was arrested just about the time this cartoon first appeared, a photo-finish that means Handelsman knew only that the leak had come from […]

Butterfly Effect and The Flying McCoys

The other day Mike Peterson noted that The Flying McCoys panel was in rerun status. That has led me to speculate on the possible cause. A year ago Glenn McCoy returned to the funny pages after a Hollywood sojourn. Then last month Glenn “abandoned” The Duplex, his last daily being March 18, 2023. That was […]

CSotD: Things said and unsaid

I’m really sorry the Dominion/Fox trial isn’t being televised. As Ed Hall says, it’s going to be a slam-dunk for Dominion to prove that Fox intentionally, knowingly lied about them, and it would be good to have it all out in the open for everyone to see. But, then again, let’s not forget the OJ […]


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