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Cartoons and Cartoonists in the News

‘The Bronco Bar Incident’ BAR HARBOR [Maine] — Last season, a driver from New Jersey got his Ford Bronco stuck in the mudflats between Bar Harbor and Bar Island until a salvage company floated it to a sandbar… Now, 12 cartoonists have taken up their pens to draw about the event with the results to […]

Maria Scrivan Ends Half Full Syndication

Maria Scrivan has decided to pull her Half Full comic from print newspaper syndication. She will continue the panel as a webcomic, albeit on a reduced schedule. Maria informed her fans of the changes with the Monday, May 15, issue. Maria told The Daily Cartoonist: It was a childhood dream come true to see Half […]

CSotD: Points of Order*

*Someone will observe that these are not points of order but points of personal privilege. However, (A) I’ve already used that gag, (B) everything I write is a point of personal privilege and (C) go tell yer mudder she wants you. We’ll start with an easy one: Jeff Stahler (AMS) offers a comparison between today’s […]

WaPo Has New Illustrated Reporting Page

The Washington Post created a page on their website dedicated to comics journalism. The Washington Post Illustrated Reporting page gathers past and present graphic stories from the paper. More about the newly established “landing page” for WaPo cartoonist-reporters at Mike Rhode’s Comics DC. graphics © The Washington Post and/or their respective copyright owners feature image […]

Wayback Whensday

Blondie Boopadoop, Popeye, Longest-Running Comic Strips, Dennis the Menace, Harold Wilson. Blondie Bumstead, née Boopadoop? Before she married Dagwood Bumstead, Blondie’s name was Blondie Boopadoop. That’s what Wikipedia says, that’s what King Features Syndicate says, that’s what the Library of Congress says. But… was it? finds that the prevailing wisdom “while it’s official enough, […]

CSotD: Life in the Alternative Reality

This is one of those “Where do I start?” days, but Eric Allie (Counterpoint) offers a segue from yesterday, in which I chided Bob Gorrell and Mike Lester for writing Title 42 cartoons before the fact arose that, rather than their expected flood of migrants with the demise of the act, the number of crossing […]

Newspaper Says Editorial Cartoonist a Must

[W]hen Pulitzer Prize-winner Steve Sack decided to retire last year after four decades at [The Minneapolis Star Tribune], Opinion Editor Scott Gillespie decided to buck industry trends and announced he had an opinion position to fill: editorial cartoonist. “I would see some job postings at our newspaper, and I would think, ‘That’s important, and I […]

Cartoon Problems at The Washington Post

Mike Rhode is a general comics scholar with a particular interest in Washington, D. C. cartoonists as revealed through his Comics DC blog (and, full disclosure, is a friend of The Daily Cartoonist). Yesterday Mike went on a three part self-described “rant” about The Washington Post’s recent treatment of comics and cartoons appearing in the […]

CSotD: Timing is everything

Ed Wexler poses the question of whether Dianne Feinstein learned anything from the results of Ruth Bader Ginsburg lingering on the court so long that Donald Trump got to choose her successor. The answer is “Apparently not,” because Ginsburg was mentally sharp right to the end, while Feinstein has reportedly been less so, needing prompts […]

Sidney Harris = Senior Stripper

A belated Happy Birthday to cartoonist Sidney Harris who turned 90 years old last Monday. Having been born on May 8, 1933 Sidney is now entitled to be part of The Daily Cartoonist’s Senior Strippers society. Magazine cartoonist Sidney Harris has had his cartoons appear in Playboy, The New Yorker, The Magazine of Science Fiction […]

Hey Kids! Comics! May Books Be With You

Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for May 2023 release.Images and links (mostly) via Amazon,though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea. Absent from the April accounting: Now to the May releases… Another absentee from the April annals: A highlight of the May releases:

CSotD: Monday Miscellany

Might as well start with the one for which I have no answer. Patrick Blower explores the future of the British Museum, assuming they give in to demands that looted artefacts be returned. My immediate reaction is that important artefacts should, indeed, be returned, but there’s nothing wrong with exhibiting a coin or a pot, […]

Catch A Falling Star And…

Following are a few items saved for a rainy day – though here in California, except for the higher altitudes and latitudes, rainy days are pretty much gone for a couple seasons. Thomas Yeates‘ new title panel for Prince Valiant‘s new adventure appeared April 16, 2023. It was announced Ann Telnaes had won the 2023 […]

CSotD: Sunday Ketchup

Scott Stantis seems to be catching up on some hostility for ex-Mayor Lori Lightfoot, in a cartoon that ran shortly after Chicago’s recent elections but well after she was primaried out in February. However, he’s commenting on a long-term problem and I’m catching up on some slightly wilting political events, so we’ll call it even. […]

Barney & Clyde and Counterpoint

Weeks after finding out that Counterpoint Media had taken on Rudy Park we now discover, again months late, that Counterpoint has taken on distributing Barney & Clyde to newspapers. The switch from the Washington Post Writers Group happened in February. The daily strip first ran with the Counterpoint imprint on February 6, 2023; the Sundays […]


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