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Jack Millie – RIP

Actor, singer, and Amanda Panda cartoonist Jack Millie has passed away. From the Swing Era Big Band Facebook page: Sad news for Swing Era Big Band and fans. Jack Millie passed away June 6th … Jack’s wife Bonnie said he died at home from stage 4 COPD… From the obituary: Jack was a gifted and […]

Hey Kids! Comics! Bit By The June Book Bug

Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for June 2023 release.Images and links (mostly) via Amazon,though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea. Had this in the June basket, apparently came out a couple months ago: History of Press Graphics, 1819-1921 (preview) Pearls Seeks Enlightenment You’re […]

Wayback Whensday Wonders

Jimmy Dodge-a-Job and the Little Folks of Tumbledown Town Allan Holtz presents us with most wonderful samples of cartooning from 1918. Two full pages of Jimmy Dodge-a-Job from the mysterious James Stewart makes one wonder why he did not reach a justly deserved fame. Teena by Hilda Terry HIlda Terry gained fame more for reasons […]

GoComics Pulls Mike du Jour Strips

Mike du Jour by Mike Lester is doing “The Gender Mystery Date” series this week and GoComics apparently has had second thoughts on running the arc. The website began the week running the strips and then belatedly pulled them and replaced them with reruns from 2020. The strips originally scheduled for this week can be […]

John Romita – RIP

Comic artist John Romita has passed away. John Romita, Jr. broke the sad news that his father had passed away: My father, John Romita passed away peacefully in his sleep this Monday morning. He is a legend in the art world and it would be my honor to follow in his footsteps. Please keep your […]

CSotD: Delta in the Dock

Dean Wormer may have been a humorless bureaucrat, but the man had a point, and, by the way, Animal House hasn’t really aged very well. Perhaps we’ve become — horrors! — woke to the racist, sexist humor at its core, or maybe we’ve simply outgrown identifying with rich preppies who can afford to spend four […]

Toon For Tuesday

More comic strip stuff. Teaser Tuesday Curtis, Crabgrass, and Dick Tracy leave us on tenterhooks as to what will follow this week. As regular readers of Mike Curtis’s Dick Tracy know the Diet Smith resolution may take months. Also waiting to be resolved is the decision of what comic strip The Canberra Times will keep […]

CSotD: While we await Bull Run

Man Overboard provides our only semi-political observation of the day, and I’m sure there will be more to come after Trump has faced Cannon fire. But let’s have a day of silly things while we wait. Though silly is as silly does (or something) and Mr Boffo reminds me of the lessons I learned at […]

Pearls and Pastis: Road to Spokane

Pearls Before Swine comic strip creator Stephan Pastis is returning to Spokane, Wash. and The Spokesman-Review is celebrating the imminent arrival with a series of article highlighting the cartoonist. Ed Condran speaks to Stephen: It’s about the past, present and future when Stephen Pastis returns Tuesday for a Northwest Passages Book Club event at the […]

CSotD: A global phenomenon, like it or not

Crowden Satz outlines Trump’s approach so far to his indictments. He really hasn’t responded to them so much as insisted that he did nothing wrong — though there’s plenty of evidence that he knows he was breaking the law — and played a game of whataboutism, heavily larded with false accusations about others who have […]

Ellen Derby – RIP

Cartoonist Ellen Keefe-Derby has passed away. From the obituary: Before Ellen moved to California from Marblehead, Massachusetts in 1952 … she worked as a cartoonist for the Elizabeth Woodward column of the Boston Globe and continued doing so for awhile after moving. From 1946 to 1957 Ellen provided header illustrations/cartoons for Elizabeth Woodward’s Column for […]

CSotD: Yes, I am indeed “That Guy”

A few years ago, I was about 10 miles from Camp Lord O’ The Flies on another mission and decided to go have a look at the place to see if anything had changed. It was off-season and all but deserted, but I did get to see one large change, which is that they had […]


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