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Barajas Gets New Season with Gil Thorp

Henry Barajas and Tribune Content Agency have come to terms and Henry re-signs as Gil Thorp scripter. Henry Barajas has mentioned that last year when he took on plotting and scripting chores for the Gil Thorp comic strip he had a one year contract. It seems that has been extended as The Chicago Tribune welcomes […]

CSotD: Priorities and Thoughtful Insights

We’ll start our discussion of priorities here, as Steve Brodner poses the question. Others have chided people for chortling over drowning billionaires, and that is a fair objection, but it’s also a bit of a red herring, at least in Brodner’s view. We ought not to chortle over anyone’s death, and, while it’s fair to […]

Michael Ramirez Has a Wash. Post Gig?

Michael P. Ramirez, award winning editorial cartoonist for The Las Vegas Review-Journal, has quietly been contributing weekly cartoons to the Washington Post since May 29, 2023. The Washington Post for years has printed cartoons from a wide variety of cartoonists and labeled them “guest editorial cartoons,” those included Michael’s Review-Journal toons. But these weekly opinions […]

CSotD: Welcome to My World

I wasn’t going to do politics today, but Michael Ramirez (Creators) inspires me to share a little of my process. I get up around 3:45 each morning, let the dog out, make coffee and scroll through Reliable Sources on the days it’s available, then my Facebook and Twitter pages. If people there are going on […]

Did Court Sketch Artist Prettify Trump?

Three court sketch artists were present in Miami on June 13 when former President Trump sat in Federal Court to hear the indictments brought against him. Most people had no problem with two of the artists. Elizabeth Williams (above) and Jane Rosenberg (below) passed the masses’ muster. But William J. Hennessy, Jr.‘s sketches brought some […]

Moon Mullins – Friends in Low Places

After a decade as a struggling cartoonist, minus a couple years as a World War I doughboy, Frank Willard found his meal ticket with a “vulgar” character in the tradition of Mutt and Jeff and, more explicitly, Barney Google (which Willard had spent some time assisting on during those earlier ten years). Moon Mullins debuted […]

CSotD: Monday Miscellany

First today, we’ll address a political/environmental crisis of great importance. First Dog on the Moon, whom I would trust with something or other, probably, reports that Brenda reports that the attacks on boats by orcas in the North Atlantic are a case of jumping the gun on what was intended to be a wider movement. […]

Prairie Mountain Unifies Sunday Funnies

Prairie Mountain Publishing, an arm of Digital First Media/Alden Global Capital, has consolidated the Sunday comics section of four of their north-central Colorado newspapers: the Loveland Reporter-Herald, Longmont Times-Call, Greeley Tribune, and Boulder Daily Camera. From The Loveland Reporter-Herald: In our ongoing effort to make the best use of our shared resources, Prairie Mountain Media […]

2022 Sigma Delta Chi Award Honorees are Gary Markstein and Michael Ramirez

The Society of Professional Journalists is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 Sigma Delta Chi Awards for excellence in journalism. The awards recognize outstanding work published or broadcast in 2022. Editorial Cartooning (Single-issue circ 40k+ or affiliated website) Gary Markstein, Creators Syndicate Judges’ comment: “It’s a testament to both the art and the […]

CSotD: Sunday will sometimes be the same

I hope this is good news and not just a temporary storyline, but over at Zits (KFS), Jeremy has got a decent job that he’s good at and seems enthusiastic about, working at a hi-tech start-up, and, as we see today, he’s become thoughtful. Assuming it is an actual shift, it’s a welcome one. The […]

Clowning to the Left, Joking to the Right

A few comics noted from the last few days. So what exact would a TED talk by Liò sound like? Like a tree falling in the forest with no one there? Russell Myers has been the lone cartoonist on Broom-Hilda for 53 years, but my understanding is that he is so far ahead of deadline […]

CSotD: What size crisis were you looking for?

There have been several cartoons on the subject of Paul McCartney resurrecting John’s voice through AI to complete a recording they never released. The other cartoons featured robots saying funny things, but less is more and Matt Davies turns in the winner. I like the watercolor background, but I particularly like that he has the […]

2023 Davenport Cartoon Contest

The 2023 Davenport International Cartoon Contest has opened the window for accepting submissions. Announcing the 2023 Davenport International Cartoon Contest! A festival that honors a famous Political Cartoonist seems almost naked without some kind of competition focused on that endeavor. To that end, the International Cartoon Contest has returned! Also, since we have not changed […]

CSotD: Bloomsday in the Committee Room

Pearls Before Swine (AMS) lives up to its name today, because Ulysses really is, and always has been, a case of casting pearls before swine. Joyce didn’t much care if people “understood” it, though he added even more layers of riddles, inside jokes and obscure references to Finnegan’s Wake, next to which Ulysses reads like […]

Jack Millie – RIP

Actor, singer, and Amanda Panda cartoonist Jack Millie has passed away. From the Swing Era Big Band Facebook page: Sad news for Swing Era Big Band and fans. Jack Millie passed away June 6th … Jack’s wife Bonnie said he died at home from stage 4 COPD… From the obituary: Jack was a gifted and […]


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