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CSotD: A Good Day For Gravedigging

When we were reading Hamlet junior year, the professor asked why there was the gravedigger scene, and we all dutifully responded about easing the tension, to which he said, “Shakespeare had a clown in his troupe and had to write something for him.” I don’t know if I accept that, but for either reason, here’s […]

Cartoonists Rights on HR 9495

Cartoonists Rights seeks defeat of “nonprofit killer”

Cartoonists Rights Network International and 130 civil liberties, religious, reproductive health, immigrant rights, human rights, racial justice, LGBTQ+, environmental, and educational organizations are asking supporters to contact their congressional representatives to urge them to vote down H.R. 9495. The groups fear, if enacted, the new law could be abused by allowing the U.S. government to […]

Dennis Draughon & Bai Yi Share EPPY Award

Dennis Draughon of Capitol Broadcasting/WRAL and Bai Yi of SPH Media shared winning Editor & Publisher’s 2024 Eppy Award for Best Editorial/Political Cartoon. E&P EPPY Awards: Celebrating the winners of the 26th annual honors in digital journalism Recognizing excellence in digital journalism, the EPPY Awards highlight the transformative power of innovation in the news publishing […]

CSotD: News You Already Knew

Kevin Kallaugher points out something you should already know, which is that Dear Leader is celebrating his return to power but wearing blinders to avoid facing a major crisis that he has dismissed as a hoax. It’s certainly not because any reputable scientists have assured him that it isn’t real, but perhaps it’s somehow linked […]

Wayback Weekend: A Random Mix

Socialists Charles Schulz and Al Vermeer, Walt Kelly and Jim Henson – Pogo and Muppets, Al Brodax animates The Beatles for TV, Wild Takes Animated by Tex Avery and others, and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – the comic strip. Peanuts, Priscilla’s Pop Push Progressivist Propaganda Nat Gertler stumbled upon a 1963 syndicated column by […]

Views From The Mews

Piggybacking on Mike’s kinda “nothing new under the sun” post – we present the synchronicity of today’s Dustin and Flo & Friends. Here’s something new – Bunny Hoest and John Reiner have changed the layout of The Lockhorns Sundays. For over fifty years The Sunday Lockhorns have been one large panel and four smaller panels: […]

CSotD: And another thing … in fact, several

I pondered using Joe Dator’s cartoon because I’ve seen similar gags before, but then realized (A) there aren’t many absolutely brand-new gags, but a good cartoonist can make them fresh and (B) there are things that can’t be said too often. (A) is covered in Russian literary criticism, where they have an expression “making new,” […]

90 Years Ago – Meet Snuffy and Lowizie

In today’s Barney Google and Snuffy Smith John Rose celebrates the 90th anniversary of Snuffy Smith. Snuffy and “Lowizie” Smith first appeared in the Barney Google comic strip on November 17, 1934, but Snuffy was mentioned a couple days earlier. Since Comics Kingdom’s archive of Barney Google and Snuffy Smith only goes back to 1936 […]

News for Yooz to Use

Edward Gorey, Maria Scrivan, James Sturm, Jerry Fearing, Raina Telgemeier and Scott McCloud, Michael Maslin, Bill Watterson and Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Stanleys, and encouraging developing cartoonists. Rich Johnston shares news of the print run for Raina Telgemeier and Scott McCloud’s forthcoming book: The Cartoonists Club, a new graphic novel by Raina Telgemeier and […]

CSotD: Critiques & Random Thoughts

I’m not doing political cartoons today, but here’s one anyway. I like Patrick Chappatte’s effort at attempting to suggest a cabinet appointment more ridiculous and inappropriate than the ones that are really being proposed. But I think it’s because the art is particularly appealing. A lot of cartoonists are trying, and failing, to come up […]

Hey Kids! Comics! Gifts for You and Yours

Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for November 2024 release (or so).Images and links from a variety of publishers and outlets,though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea. This is it! The Complete Library of Lynn Johnston’s For Better or For Worse is complete!! For […]

CSotD: Swamping the Drains

I like David Cohen‘s take because it really does seem like Trump is grabbing random screwballs for his cabinet rather than carrying out some cunning plan. Granted, anyone who listened to his speeches during the campaign shouldn’t be surprised that his actions now are similarly incoherent and inexplicable, but it would be nice if he […]

More Comic News – Editoon Edition

Bonnie Lord is a junior from Alma, Michigan and is an environmental science major at Albion College. She is driven by community, justice and sustainability. She enjoys bird watching, reading and dismantling the patriarchy. Bonnie Lord has an enthusiasm for environmental causes which leads her to question whether she can report dispassionately on subjects she […]

CSotD: A Pause in the Despair

Harry Bliss (Tribune) arrives in the nick of time and we’re gonna take a break from the apocalyptically insane political goings. I need the comic relief and I also need to catch up with what’s on the funny pages. Though Ben (MWAM) is closer to the mark than Bliss, because all the leaves are brown […]


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