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CSotD: Truth hurts. You should probably laugh.

I know the feeling, Miles. Today’s Crabgrass (AMS) is not an issue of being intelligent, but, rather, an issue of paying attention, being reasonably skeptical and having a good memory. Ernest Hemingway, who worked as a reporter, said writers should have a built-in BS detector, which is true, and Morey Amsterdam, who was noted for […]

A Darrin Bell Update – updated

KCRA in Sacramento (a Hearst/NBC station) reported today that Darrin Bell appeared in court briefly to get the court to appoint him an attorney and that his next court date is scheduled for January 23, 2025. “The matter contains more than 600 images that violate Penal Code 311.11(a) and the matter contains 10 or more […]

The Splats 2024

The Splats Award Winners for 2024

The UK Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation has presented its inaugural The Splats Awards, honoring the best cartoons and cartoonists of 2024. The purpose of the awards are to avoid taking themselves “too seriously” while bringing cartoonists together for a “above a pub room” celebration. In addition to traditional categories, the event features lighthearted awards such as […]

David Lynch – RIP

Filmmaker and cartoonist David Lynch has passed away. David Keith Lynch January 20, 1946 – January 16, 2025 The family, by way of social media, let the world know of his passing: It is with deep regret that we, his family, announce the passing of the man and the artist, David Lynch. We would appreciate […]

CSotD: Homers and Whiffs

I could launch a separate blog titled “Cartoon Maps,” given the number of cartoonists who have reimagined the Western Hemisphere according to Trump. Some were pretty good, some were not. But Bob Englehart went for simplicity rather than cleverness, and wins for going to the heart of the matter and pointing out the arrogant jingoism […]

Pedro X Molina

Cartoonist’s Cartoonists: Who influenced Pedro X. Molina

Pedro X. Molina has spent more than 20 years drawing political cartoons skewering Nicaragua’s dictatorship and government. In 2018 the government hit back. After police killed one journalist, jailed two others, and pillaged the Confidencial’s offices, Pedro and his family were forced to flee his home country. With the assistance of Ithaca City of Asylum, […]

CSotD: Kabuki Konfirmations

RJ Matson offers his version of Train Kept A-Rolling. Matt Gaetz was sacrificed so that others might pass through the portals. There was a time when the revelations surrounding Gaetz would have cast him into obscurity, but those days are long gone and he may become the next governor of Florida. And why not? The […]

Political Cartooning in The Age of Trump and The Oligarchs

“cartoonists are, quite simply, beneath his notice” – ya think? Zach Rabiroff for The Comics Journal investigates the state of political cartooning as the practitioners face a revitalized and seemingly very powerful Donald Trump who is entering his second term as President of the United States with few limits in his way. In a long […]

Courage in cartooning CRNI

Nominations Open for Courage in Cartooning Award

Cartoonist Rights has announced they are now taking nominations for the 2025 Robert Russell Courage in Cartooning Award. The award recognizes a cartoonist’s exemplary bravery while facing threats to their human rights. Requirements for nomination include cartoonists who have encountered one or more of the following problems during the last twelve months: The cut-off date […]

Hey Kids! Comics! Inaugurating 2025

Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for January 2025 release (or so). Images and links from a variety of publishers and outlets, though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea. Jimmy! The Comic Art of James Swinnerton edited by Peter Maresca and Michael Tisserand (review) […]

CSotD: Humpday Humor

Very strange Speed Bump (Creators) this past Sunday. The dog in the space suit seemed the focal point, and it was only after I read the caption and agreed with it that I noticed both men were looking up and got the intended point. I hate people who go all technical on a cartoon, but […]

“Comic Books” – Distribution and Tariffs

So I hit the local comic book shop once a month to pick up anything that may have shown up and put in an order for stuff that intrigued me (other than my regular asks) in the Previews catalog that I picked previously. The standing order is mostly TwoMorrows magazines about comic book history. Though […]

CSotD: Lügenpresse, California Style

Pat Bagley expresses the situation well: As firefighters struggle to control the wildfires in Southern California, the press also struggles with disinformation about those wildfires. The press wouldn’t be stuck with a mere squirtbottle if the only problem they faced were the normal flow of rumors and misconceptions that plague every major news event. But […]


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