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AAEC gets new management group

The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists has changed the management group that handles administrative services for the association. The Pennsylvania Newspaper Association took over the role as of yesterday. Effective November 1, Nicholson will hand over the reins of the AAEC to the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association (PNA). PNA was signed to a 3-year management contract […]

‘Post-Dispatch’ Cuts Nearly 12% of News Staff

According to Editor and Publisher The Post Dispatch has cut nearly 12% of its news staff through a voluntary buyout. Nearly 12% of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch news and editorial staff has accepted a voluntary buyout that the paper claims will save it up to $7 million a year, according to a story in Tuesday’s […]

’05 to be worst year for newspaper industry

Bad news for those who make their living in the newspaper industry. Media Daily News: IT’S OFFICIAL: 2005 WILL BE the newspaper industry’s worst year since the last ad industry recession. And things aren’t looking much better for next year either, according to a top Wall Street firm’s report on newspaper publishing.

NY Times profiles McGruder and Boondocks

If you’ve not been inundated by the press Aaron McGruder is getting with the soon to launch television version of his comic strip “Boondocks”, the New York Times has a really good profile of McGruder, his strip and the move into television. Since its national debut six years ago, the strip, about two black children […]

The state of cartoons on television today

The Baltormore Sun has a good article about the state of cartoons that make the jump to the small screen. The synopsis: It’s not so much an animation explosion as it is a continuing accretion of cartoons ? like a growth of colorful kudzu. And much if not most of it is very good indeed, […]

South Bend Tribune hires cartoonist

Ron Rogers has been hired by the South Bend Tribune as an editorial cartoonist and illustrator. Ron began with us as a free-lancer, drawing about a cartoon a week. Last summer, he joined the news staff. Now he produces three editorial cartoons a week as well as a wave of illustrations that have helped transform […]

Luckovich cartoon response

The Atlanta Journal Constitution has a follow up (free, annoying registration required) to the Mike Luckovich’s editorial cartoon in which he wrote the names of the 2,000 soldies that have died in the Iraq war in the word “WHY”. About a year ago, Luckovich had a similar idea for a cartoon using President Bush’s middle […]

Lucky winner gets original Lucky Cow

Susan Birch of Salt Lake City won the Lucky Cow’s ?funniest fast-food story? competition. The contest invited readers to submit their funniest fast food experiences. Birch and her husband went to a local fried chicken restaurant to pick up no less than three buckets of fried chicken for their extended family, including their grandkids. Although […]

Jantz ends The Norm comic book

I’m a bit late reporting this one, but Michael Jantz has pulled the plug on The Norm comic book. August 2005: Issue 10, this issue, will be the last of The Norm Magazine published by The Publishing. Our original intent was more ‘marketing plan’ than ‘publishing plan’, to put evidence in the hands of […]

The Complete C&H debate

As reported here earlier, There are complaints that there will not be enough The Complete Calvin and Hobbes books for the holiday rush. Editor and Publisher has printed a retort by non-other-than Andrews McMeel’s CEO Thomas Thornton. “The Complete Calvin and Hobbes”‘ first three weeks on sale show units sold of 34,329, per Neilsen Bookscan […]


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