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Cartoon hero takes a swipe at a world superpower

Comic strip character Asterix takes on a figurative foe. After years of bashing the occupying Roman army, the indomitable Gauls have turned their attentions to the stars in their latest adventure, Asterix And The Falling Sky. But it doesn’t take much reading between the lines to realise that the story is actually a none-too-subtle attack […]

Women get a bigger buzz from cartoons

Interesting article on how comics are received by men vs. women. Women and men are often perceived as having differences in their senses of humour but, until now, there had been no neurological evidence for such suspicions. The new brain scanning study showed that although men and women tended to agree on which of the […]

Washington Post looking for editorial animators

If you think print editorial cartooning is horse and buggy stage of its existance, and Mark Fiore is the future, you’ve got until the end of the year to prove to the Washington Post that you’re all that and a bag of chips. We’re looking for artists, animators and humorists to submit short-form (3 minutes […]

Political cartoonists gather Jerusalem

Twenty three editorial cartoonists from 16 countries met in Jerusalem to discuss the art and the Middle East conflict. Tuesday afternoon’s sessions highlighted the somber side of covering the Middle East. Slide shows of Israeli and Palestinian artists’ work provoked more thoughtful murmurs among attendees rather than laughs. Attending from the U.S. is Jeff Danziger […]

Doonsbury characters being auctioned off for good cause

Andrews McMeel Universal is donating ten signed and framed portraits of Doonesbury characters to the Fisher House Foundation. Fisher House is ?a home away from home? for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA hospitals. An international not-for-profit organization, Fisher House Foundation coordinates private and public support for service members and […]

St. Paul Pioneer Press drops Peanuts

As reported in Ad Jab, The St. Paul Pioneer Press has dropped Peanuts. This may not seem like a big deal, but Schulz grew up in St. Paul, and the Pioneer Press bought Schulz’s first comic. It was also one of the first papers to run the very first Peanuts strip back in 1950. The […]

Manga invades newspapers

Two Manga comic strips will be syndicated though Universal Press. Manga is a Japanese story-telling/drawing style that is becoming more and more popular in the United States. “We thought if teens and young kids are reading manga, then why don’t we get something in the paper that teens want to read?” said John Glynn, vice […]

Constitution Celebration included Doug Marlette

The University of Oklahoma Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication is celebrating and examining the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution and will include speeches, discussions and presentations – including a speech by Pulitzer Prize winner Doug Marlette. Link Update: The Norman Transcript has a write up on the speech.

Pat Bagley to speak

Pat Bagley, editorial cartoonist for the Salt Lake Tribune, is an institution in the state of Utah. He’ll be speaking at U?s Women?s Club (University of Utah) on November 14th. Join them for a fun-filled afternoon with Utah cartoonist, Pat Bagley, the Salt Lake Tribune?s award-winning editorial cartoonist, author and humorist, specializing in all things […]


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