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Cathy Guisewite to be judge of women’s scholarship program

Cathy creator Cathy Guisewite will serve on the Board of Judges for Talbots annual Women?s Scholarship Program, a fund that annually awards $100,000 in college scholarships to women seeking a bachelor?s or associate?s degree later in life. ?Cathy? appears in about 1,400 newspapers worldwide. In 2005, a major event took place in the comic strip […]

KAL talks about his buyout

Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, editorial cartoonist for the Baltimore Sun, talks to E&P about the buyout he didn’t intend to take. But then Kallaugher heard that The Sun’s publisher had discussed eliminating the cartoonist slot entirely to save money. “Rather than wait for the ax to drop on my position at The Sun, I opted for […]

‘Cow & Boy’ Comic Moo-ving Into Newspapers

United Media is launching a new strip on January 2. The new feature Cow & Boy is by Mark Leiknes. Mark Leiknes’ strip — titled, appropriately enough, Cow & Boy – focuses on the friendship between a farm kid named Billy and an 800-pound bovine animal. Early clients include the Denver Rocky Mountain News, the […]

NAACP considering boycotting

The Michigan Daily has a story regarding a cartoon that is sparking a possible boycott from the NAACP. The University chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People may be considering boycotting The Michigan Daily because of an editorial cartoon it published Nov. 28. The cartoon displays a classroom of smiling dark-skinned […]

Nick Anderson picks up 22 more papers

Winning the pulitzer certainly doesn’t hurt your subscriber-ship. E&P is reporting that Nick Anderson’s client list jumped 22 papers after the pulitzer. WPWG Editorial Director/General Manager Alan Shearer called the 22-client jump “amazing for an editorial cartoonist,” even with a Pulitzer factored in. Shearer noted that editorial cartoons can be a tough sell these days.

“That’s Life” ends

The Comics Reporter is pointing to the site for “That’s Life” where it has been announced that the strip by Mike Twohy has come to an end. The last current “That?s Life” strip will be on December 3, 2005. Starting on December 4th will be re-running the strip starting from the very beginning. […]

“Reality Check” adds Northwest Arkansas Times

There’s been a shake up in newspapers across America. With the end of “That’s Life,” newspaper’s are selecting other panels to take its place. The Northwest Arkansas Times has picked up Reality Check, by Dave Whamond. “Reality Check is a great new addition to our lineup of comics in the Times,” Executive Editor Greg Harton […]

Student cartooning awards announced

Congrats to a bunch of aspiring cartoonists. From a press release off of Universal Presses web site: Student Cartoonists’ Awards Announced Kansas City, MO (12/05/2005) Four first place winners were selected among many aspiring young cartoonists who participated in the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) /Associate Collegiate Press Cartooning (ACP) Awards, co-sponsored by Universal Press […]

Bagley signing “Clueless George goes to war”

Pat Bagley, editorial cartoonist for the Salt Lake Tribune, will be signing his new book at Ken Sander’s Rare Books on Friday, December 9, at 7pm. Bagley’s book “Clueless George” is available at Amazon books. The last place you’d expect to hear that political cartoonist Pat Bagley got his start is BYU. But there you […]

Clay Bennett on NPR

Clay Bennett spoke on NPR All Things Considered today to discuss the current state of editorial cartooning. You can listen to archived audio of the interview on NPR’s site Major U.S. newspapers continue to cut staff to offset disappointing revenue. But recent layoffs and buyouts at two newspapers owned by the Tribune Company prompted editorial […] mobilizing to stop cuts at Tribune papers

The political action group that spent millions of dollars to defeat President Bush in 2004 is now mobilizing to protest and stop the lay-offs at Tribune papers and other large newspaper companies across the country. The grassroots activists have been circulating petitions to stop announced job cuts at four Tribune papers. The group says it […]


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