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Bradenton Herald: Comic strips reflect modern America

Oh, that we always received such respect. Clearly, the comics are a powerful medium for talking about the human experience. They should be required reading for painters who have forgotten that storytelling matters. While painters have been turning art inside out, manufacturing one style after another, Johnston has worked the old-fashioned way, with good drawing […]

Daryl Cagle to appear on MSNBC

Daryl Cagle will be on MSNBC on January 1. From his “blog”: Our readers will have a rare opportunity to see my live, smiling face on MSNBC television, on Sunday January 1st, at about 10:45am Eastern, 7:45am Pacific. It is your chance to say,”THAT’S what Cagle looks like? I’d have never guessed!” Award winners include Garry Trudeau, Tom Tomorrow

From E&P: In the “Best Print Comic Strip” category, winners were “This Modern World” by the self-syndicated Tom Tomorrow (’s choice) and “Doonesbury” by Garry Trudeau of Universal Press Syndicate (“People’s Pick”). Winners for “Best Web Cartoons” were Chris Muir’s “Day by Day” (’s choice) and Charles Fincher’s “The Illustrated Daily Scribble” (“People’s Pick”).

NYT examines new comic strip ‘Retail’

The New York Times has a lengthy article about the new comic strip “Retail” that debuts tomorrow in about 20 papers. His aim for the comic strip, which will be published beginning tomorrow, is to do for the mall what “Dilbert” did for the office, revealing the dysfunctional world of bickering employees, spineless managers and […]

‘Cathy’ returns to the Philadelphia Inquirer

With the end of Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet, The Philadelphia Inquirer has picked up Cathy both as a daily and Sunday feature. We received your calls and e-mails, and we’ve listened. Beginning Sunday, the humor and true-to-life adventures of Cathy return to our comics pages seven days a week. And on Jan. 8, we […]

Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet ends

I sat on this story for a while hoping to get more details. Since Peter Zale’s creation is silently closing down, I’ll post what I do know. Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet will no longer be syndicated after Christmas 2005. Peter’s web site say’s he’s on sabbatical, but an article in the Salt Lake Tribune […]

Local cartoonist Irene Joslin wins award

A small Indiana weekly, Brown County Democrat, has won a couple of awards including editorial cartoonist Irene Joslin who took second place in editorial cartooning. The Democrat?s editorial cartoonist, Irene Joslin, received second-place accolades among all non-daily newspapers for her work, which the judges said were ?well-crafted cartoons with a point to make. Beautifully drawn!?

Kevin Siers to do editorial cartoon caption contest

Details are sketchy, but Ed Williams, editor of the editorial page for the Charlotte Observer, has mentioned that starting next month their staff cartoonist, Kevin Siers, will draw a weekly editorial cartoon and allow readers to submit the caption. The nice thing about his targets is that, unlike clay pigeons and popped balloons, they keep […]

Cagle interviewed about cartoons of 2005, his book

Daryl Cagle has been interviewed by the Santa Barbara News-Press about his cartoons, syndicate and latest book, The Best Political Cartoons of the Year, 2006 Edition. On my Web site, I have what I call “Yahtzees,” which is when all the cartoonists happen to draw the same thing at the same time. I put them […]

Luckovich and Peters on NPR

NPR had Mike Luckovich and Mike Peters on to discuss their favorite cartoons of the year. You can see a sample of their favorite cartoons on the NPR site and also click to listen to the interview. Political cartoonists Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Mike Peters of the Dayton Daily News have each […]

‘Tiger’ Cartoonist Bud Blake Dies at 87

Editor and publisher ‘has an article on the passing of Bud Blake who drew the comic feature “Tiger.” More information can be had at King Feature’s web site. “Tiger” comic creator Bud Blake died Monday at the Maine Medical Center in Portland. He was 87. Blake created “Tiger” in 1965, and it still appears in […]

New comic strip ‘Retail’ to debut

King Features will roll out a new strip on January 1 called “Retail”. The feature is created by Norm Feuti has worked in retail for more than 15 years. ?The concept of a retail-based strip has great mass appeal, because everyone can relate to it, either as a former or current retail worker or shopper,? […]


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