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Doug Marlette’s move to Tulsa explained

E&P has the story on why 1988 Pulitzer Prize editorial cartoonist Doug Marlette is interested in moving to the Oklahoma newsaper the Tulsa World. One reason editorial cartoonist Doug Marlette is moving to the Tulsa World is because the Oklahoma newspaper is owned by a family rather than a chain. “I like the idea that […]

Unfit Comic Artist Search results posted

Scott Adams and Mike Belkin’s search for an artist to co-create Mike’s “Unfit” feature has closed and the respondant’s work have been posted on a new web site. Earlier this month I told you that Mike Belkin was looking for an artist to take over the drawing of his syndicated comic strip Unfit. More than […]

Brevity picks up Press-Enterprise

In a passing story in the Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA) (free registration required), they report that they have picked up “Brevity“ and the Sudoku number puzzle. If laughter is the best medicine and brainteasers really keep your mind nimble, The Press-Enterprise is happy to oblige. Starting today, we will be featuring two new puzzles to keep […]

Doug Marlette takes the Tulsa World editorial cartoonist slot

The Tulsa World has hired Doug Marlette to take the place of David Simpson as the staff editorial cartoonist. The Tulsa (Okla.) World has hired Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Doug Marlette, effective Feb. 12. Marlette, who’s syndicated by Tribune Media Services (TMS), had been working out of North Carolina for the Tallahassee Democrat since the […]

Steve Benson’s lecture in Utah

I reported earlier that editorial cartoonist Steve Benson was speaking in Utah. Here is a report of that speech. In another, President Bush answers, “9/11” to every question asked of him, including, “How many US troops were killed today in Iraq?” “How tall is Osama bin Laden?” and “What time is it, Mr. President?” Benson […]

Mike Thompson Doing Special Super Bowl Series

E&P has a story that Detroit Free Press cartoonist Mike Thompson will be doing a series of cartoons on the topic of the Super Bowl being held in Detroit. Thompson told E&P that doing the series “is part of my long-standing philosophy that given the current state of editorial cartooning, we cartoonists must adapt and […]

New Feature “F Minus” to debut in April

From the Arizona State University web site comes news that a comic feature that ran daily in the campus paper will by syndicated through United Media starting in April. Most ASU students probably don’t remember Tony Carrillo. He graduated in December 2004. But they do remember his comic strip, “F Minus.” For two years, starting […]

Knight Ridder in talks with potential buyers

From the San Jose Mercury News comes news that Knight Ridder has concluded a round of talks with potential buyers. Knight Ridder on Thursday concluded two days of meetings with a trio of private equity firms interested in buying the San Jose newspaper company, which put itself up for sale at the urging of three […]

Oliphant to be featured entertainer at fundraiser

Pat Oliphant will be the featured entertainment at fundraiser for the Harry Truman Presidential Library. Called “the most influential cartoonist now working” by The New York Times, Pat Oliphant occupies a unique position among today’s editorial cartoonists. Widely considered the dean of the profession, he is one of its sharpest, most daring practitioners. Oliphant has […]

Calvin and Hobbes sculpture gets blessing from Watterson

A sculpture to be erected using Calvin and Hobbes figures has been approved for constructure and display at Dartmouth College. The sculpture will depict cartoon characters Calvin and Hobbes bobsledding down a large, slanted “D”. A snow version of the Olympic torch will serve as the spine of the “D,” and the inside of the […]

Dilbert runs with alternative endings

Scott Adams produced two endings for his strip that ran last Wednesday. The “safer” version went to papers and the edgier one ran on the web. From his blog: Many of you noticed that my comic about the jet lagged baby that ran on 1/25/06 had two endings. One version ran on the Internet and […]


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