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Sandra Bell-Lundy’s friends are her inspiration

Sandra Bell-Lundy’s feature “Between Friends” is based on friendships with her close friends. One of those friends, Mary Ann Wright was featured in the Woodstock Sentinel about what it’s like to have an alter ego in the funny pages. Wright and Bell-Lundy met in a St. Catharines high school, where Wright had no idea of […]

Rall ‘ambushed’ on Hannity and Colmes

Ted Rall appeared on Hannity and Colmes on Friday night and according to his blog the show did not go as planned. He agreed to go TV on the condition that they not talk about his controversial cartoons. They did. Fox doesn’t provide transcripts of their shows, but below is purportedly the exchange between Hannity […]

The Winchester Star picks up Non Sequitur, Kudzu and Baby Blues

The Winchester Star has posted an article(free registration) stating that they have picked up three new features: “Non Sequitur,” “Kudzu,” and “Baby Blues” and dropped two: “Sally Forth” and “Beetle Bailey.” An improved Comics page with three new strips — “Non Sequitur,” “Kudzu,” and “Baby Blues” — leads the way. We used your comments from […]

Manga arrives at St. Paul Pioneer Press

In an introductionary article, the St. Paul Pioneer Press becomes one of 30 newspapers across the U.S. to run “Peach Fuzz” – a manga style cartoon about a young girl and her ferret. Fred Basset and Hagar the Horrible beware. Manga has arrived at the Pioneer Press. Minnesota’s first newspaper today rolls out “Peach Fuzz,” […]

Stephan Pastis recounts his visit with Charles M. Schulz

Stephan Pastis, creator of “Pearls before Swine” recounts the impact of his visit with Charles Schulz back in 1996. Fed up with life as an attorney defending insurance companies, Pastis had abandoned his legal files for the day and driven to Santa Rosa in hopes of bumping into Charles “Sparky” Schulz, the legendary creator of […]

Mutts returns to the Buffalo News

According to E&P, Mutts is back in the Buffalo News after readers protested its removal from the funny pages. The Buffalo (N.Y.) News reinstated “Mutts” after many readers protested its cancellation. Patrick McDonnell’s comic, which stars a cat and dog, is distributed by King Features Syndicate to nearly 600 newspapers.

Signe Wilkinson writes her reaction to the Danish cartoons

Signe Wilkinson has written a good piece on Beliefnet regarding her take on the Denmark cartoons that have set the Islamic community on end. My editors have had to explain the nature of cartooning to the offended representatives of various faiths, ethnicities, and political groups. And I am not alone. Nearly all cartoonists worth their […]

Newspaper Web Sites Continue to Gain Readers

Here’s good news for the newspaper industry: Newspaper Web Sites Continue to Gain Readers More people are going to newspaper Web sites and in November the overall number of visitors to newspaper.coms hit an all-time high, according to numbers released by ratings firm Nielsen//NetRatings and the Newspaper Association of America (NAA). The report shows that […]

Courier-Journal prepares to say good bye to Nick Anderson

Nick Anderson leaves for the Houston Chronicle next week. The Courier-Journal says they will replace Nick Anderson. Prepare to say so long to editorial cartoonist Nick Anderson, who leaves The Courier-Journal next week to take up residence on the editorial pages of The Houston Chronicle. … Forum editor Keith Runyon says there’s “every intention” of […]

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette fires Tim Menees

The first editorial cartoonist to lose his/her job in 2006 for budgetary reasons is Tim Menees who has worked for that paper for 30 years. In a cost-cutting move, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette this week laid off several non-union workers, including longtime cartoonist Tim Menees and Washington, D.C., bureau chief Michael McGough. … Although both Menees […]

Are comics becoming too in-your-face?

There is an editorial in the Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday that asked the question as to whether today’s comics have become to radical, in-your-face in their opinions. Yet, something has changed in the modern cartoon kingdom. While Nast, Hershfield and Schulz could create powerful and opinionated messages, their creations maintained an innocence that made them endearing. […]

Michael Fry to end “Committed”

E&P is reporting that Michael Fry has announced that he is ending his “Committed” panel. The “Committed” panel will end Feb. 19 after 12 years of syndication with United Media. “I’m creatively done with it,” said Michael Fry, when asked Friday why he was stopping his comic. “There are only so many gags about a […]

Hannity and Colmes talk to Rall, Cagle

Ted Rall mentions on his blog that he’ll be on Hannity and Colmes tonight to discuss the Toles cartoon as well as the Danish cartoons. Tonight, however, I’ll be at Fox with plenty of time to spare, appearing on “Hannity & Colmes” to discuss both Toles’ piece and the Danish cartoons about Mohammed that sparked […]

Tom Toles appears on Paula Zahn’s show

Here is the transcript of Tom Tole’s appearence on CNN’s Paula Zahn Now. ZAHN: And joining me now from “The Washington Post” newsroom to tell us what he was thinking when he drew the cartoon, Pulitzer Prize- winning editorial cartoonist Tom Toles. Thanks so much for joining us, Tom. TOM TOLES, EDITORIAL CARTOONIST, “THE WASHINGTON […]


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