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Michael Ramirez speech follow-up

Michael Ramirez recently gave a speech to the Pacific Palisades Republican Club’s election year kick off brunch. You can read a follow up story about his remarks in the Palisades Post. “The difference is I get paid to be obnoxious. Politicians are just obnoxious,” Ramirez said in his opening remarks. “Editorial cartoonists are like pit […]

Nick Anderson has a blog

Nick Anderson, the newly acquired Houston Chronicle editorial cartoonist, can now say he’s a cartoonist AND a blogger with the recent launch of his blog on the Chronicle web site. Nick’s blog seems only to post his cartoon and allow readers to make comments. A quick perusal of the comments didn’t reveal that he is […]

Pulitzer prize speculation begins

Editor and Publisher posted a story of who and what will catch the eye of the Pulitzer Prize judges this year. In the area of editorial cartooning, E&P makes the following conjecture: As for Editorial Cartoonists, those having especially good years in 2005 included Nick Anderson of The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Ky.; Jeff Danziger of […]

Get Fuzzy collection book due in April

Darby Conley’s Get Fuzzy has a new book out next month called “Scrum bums.” Bucky Katt is a rather obstinate Siamese who constantly battles his “owner” Rob for control of their home. Satchel Pooch, the Labrador-Shar-pei mix who’s sweet and lovable, makes a nice lackey for Bucky. Bucky knows he’s smarter than everyone else; it’s […]

Lack of black comic strips no laughing matter

The Austin Weekly has a good article on the lack of diversity on the comics page and how many newspapers are demanding more minority characters – and not just supporting/background colors. It?s an awareness that has propelled many Chicago papers to take a serious look at their minority representation, in not only their news sections, […]

Other comic features quick to take Boondock’s space

With the ink still wet on the announcement that Aaron McGruder is taking a six month break from his “Boondocks” feature, syndicates and newspapers are scrambling to fill the void. Here’s a run down of the ripple effect: Washingon Post Writers Group is moving the launch of a new feature called “Watch Your Head” up […]

Detroit papers to stop joint weekend editions

Here’s news of a couple of shake up items coming from Detroit. The Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News will stop publishing a joint weekend edition. Additionally the News will be offering volunary buyouts for 20 of its employees. The News employs Henry Payne and Larry Wright as editorial cartoonist. Both papers will publish […]

Patrick McDonnell posts follow up to NYC Comic Con

Mutts creator Patrick McDonnell has posted a follow up on this appearance at the NY Comic Con including photos and slides from his slide show. In first part of the two-part talk, Patrick shared his experiences as a developing artist and his vision as a maturing cartoonist with one of the most popular daily comic […]

Candorville nominated for Glyph Award

According to Darrin Bell’s blog, his feature “Candorville” has been nominated for the first annual Glyph Award. The Glyph awards “recognizes the best in comics made by, for, and about people of color … who have made the greatest contributions to the comics medium in terms of both critical and commercial impact.” From Darrin’s blog: […]

Jeff Danziger takes this years Herblock Prize

Jeff Danziger has taken home the Herblock Prize for editorial cartooning. Jules Feiffer, one of three judges for this year’s contest, said Danziger’s cartoons “have a sense of literary intelligence.” The former Village Voice/Universal Press Syndicate cartoonist added that the Herblock Prize winner’s Iraq War commentary is “the closest thing to the feeling Bill Mauldin […]

Moderate Muslims sponsor new cartoon contest

First there was the Danish Mohammad cartoons that set the Muslim communities around the world in an uproar, then the Iranian Holocaust cartoon contest was announced, then a graphic designer in Israel proposed a contest for Jews to lampoon themselves and now a moderate Muslim group wants a cartoon contest to promote a peaceful Mohammad. […]

Ted Ralls pledge drive update

Ted Rall’s pledge drive to raise money to take Ann Coulter to court for libel and slander is slowly inching its way into the … five figures. In a recntly blog entry he posts the most recent pledge to $13,716.00. He also answers the question of what he’d do with the winnings if the suit […]


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