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Mort Walker at NY Comic-con

The New York Comic Con is now past and a few news stories on the event are trickling in. This one is about Mort Walker who was on hand this last weekend, as was his two sons Greg and Brian. “Beetle Bailey is the everyman who has to fight the system,” said [Mort] Walker. “He’s […]

Sherffius’ editorial cartoons syndicated through Copley

John Sherffius’ editorial cartoons will be syndicated through Copley starting March 13. John was the editorial cartoonist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch until 2003 when he resigned out of frustration that the paper was trying to tone down this cartoons. John’s comic feature “Sam and Me” was launched last year through Creators.

20+ King Feature cartoonist to be at NY Comic-con

Editor and Publisher has a story that more than 20 King Feature cartoonist will be on hand at the New York Comic-Con. Among the King creators slated to appear are Isabella Bannerman (“Six Chix”), Ray Billingsley (“Curtis”), Frank Bolle (“Apartment 3-G”), Chance Browne (“Hi and Lois”), Hy Eisman (“Popeye”), Ron Ferdinand (“Dennis the Menace”), Joe […]

Several cartoonists to work on Big Top while creator’s ill

Several syndicated Universal Press cartoonists are taking time to help produce the “Big Top” comic feature while creator Rob Harrell is undergoing cancer treatment behind his right eye. ?I?ve really been overwhelmed by the kindness and the support of all the creators and the syndicate,? said Harrell, whose Universal strip features a cast of circus […]

Ann Coulter takes a jab at Arabs, O’Reilly and ‘Garfield’

Ann Coulter, the right-wing columnist (syndicated through Universal Press), just can’t stop offending the cartoonists. Currently she’s got Ted Ralls’ knickers in a twist after claiming he had entered the Iranian Holocaust cartoon contest (which he denies), now in her latest column she bashes Arabs, Bill O’Reilly, the NYT and even takes a parting swipe […]

Ted Rall’s pledge drive up to $11k

Ted Rall, who aspires to sue Ann Coulter for libel/slander has raised nearly $11,000, but still is well short of the money required to take the case all the way to the finish. Pledges currently total nearly $11,000. That’s seriously encouraging but we’re still short of what’s needed to launch a successful libel and slander […]

Scott Stantis writes op-ed on Mohammad controversy

Prickly City cartoonist Scott Stantis has a op-ed piece with his take on the Mohammad cartoon controversy. Newspapers with a long and storied history of cartoonists have seen fit to cut loose this valuable resource. Papers like the Los Angeles Times and Baltimore Sun are now without a staff cartoonist. The Chicago Tribune recently dedicated […]

Newseum sponsoring cartoon controversy discussion

The Newseum is sponsoring a discussion on how publications should cover the cartoon controversy. The panel includes Signe Wilkinson of the Philadelphia Daily News. How did the publication of cartoons portraying the Prophet Muhammad come to spark violent Islamic protests? Where should we draw the line between free speech and religious tolerance? What issues does […]

Non Sequitur cartoon causing problems in Malaysia

The government of Malaysia may revoke The New Straits Times’ permit to print after it ran a Non-Sequitur cartoon. Wiley Miller’s February 20th’s Non Sequitur depicts an artist with a sign saying “Caricatures of Muhammad while you wait.” The New Straits Times got a show-cause letter from the Internal Security Ministry and was given three […]

Bizarro and FBORW books to hit stores this spring

Two book announcements have been made. The first is a hardbound book called “I Love My Grandpa” by “For Better Or For Worse” Lynn Johnston. It will be released March 1. The second is a book called “Bizarro and Other Strange Manifestations of the Art of Dan Piraro” and will feature cartoons from Dan Piraro’s […]


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