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Editorial cartoonist symposium planned at Hamilton College

Hamilton College editorial cartoonist Thomas Booth has helped organize a symposium on the topic of Editorial cartooning and Illustration. Participating in the event will be Tony Auth, Rob Rogers and Steve Brodner (who’s illustrations appear frequently in Sports Illustrated and Business Week). All three artists will speak about their work and careers. Auth’s talk is […]

Boondock loses two-thirds of client list during hiatus

E&P is reporting that only about 1/3 of Aaron McGruder’s client list is running the re-runs for Boondock. “Boondocks” clients not using the reruns are replacing McGruder’s feature with various comics. For instance, the Lansing (Mich.) State Journal picked “Candorville” by Darrin Bell of the Washington Post Writers Group, while The Ithaca (N.Y.) Journal and […]

Dallas Morning News trying out several news strips

The Dallas Morning News has posted a story (registration required) to inform it’s readers that while Boondocks is away, they will be trying out four new strips: Brevity, Prickly City, Lio and an unamed feature to be announced later. The won’t add any new features on the Sunday comics, but will run larger versions of […]

Spot the Frog first collection book due in May

From a press release from United Media, Mark Heath’s feature “Spot the Frog” will get it’s first collection book this May (actually the press release says May, you can buy it now from Amazon). From the press release: Spot the Frog: A Cartoon Collection (Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, $10.95, May 2006) is the first book […]

Phil Frank talks about “Farley”

Phil Frank, creator of Farley was recently invited to speak at a local librar in Napa County (CA). There’s a good article about how his feature has evolved since it was first created back in 1975. “Farley was a kind of a wandering individual who was going from place to place as an interesting way […]

Who created Felix the cat?

For those interested in comic history, there is an article over on the Hudson Reporter about the history of Felix the Cat. Felix quickly became the star of silent animation for audiences in the United States and Europe, and even starred in his own successful comic strip, which began in 1923. However, Messmer wasn’t always […]

NCS nominees posted

The National Cartoonists Society has posted the nominees for each of the Reuben award categories. Here is what has been announced so far: Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year “Foxtrot” creator BILL AMEND “Speed Bump” creator DAVE COVERLY “Pickles” creator BRIAN CRANE editorial cartoonist MIKE LUCKOVICH “Bizarro” creator DAN PIRARO Other categories: Advertising Illustration: ROY DOTY […]

Non Sequitur takes Boondock’s place in AK

Wiley Miller’s “Non Sequitur” picks up a the Northwest Arkansas Times while Aaron McGruder is on hiatus. The Times did not say whether “Boondocks” will return to the funny pages once Aaron starts it up again. Non Sequitur, a comic by cartoonist Wiley Miller that examines the absurdities of life, begins today in the Northwest […]

Real Life Adventures celebrates 15 years in the funnies

Lance Aldrich and Gary Wise’s feature “Real Life Adventures” is celebrating 15 years. Aldrich and Wise, after working with each other for 21 years, have developed an unconventional approach to collaboration: they stay away from each other. Working together through a series of faxes and phone calls between Aldrich’s home in rural Michigan (he is […]

Greg Craven is loved in Memphis

Greg Cravens (artist for “Buckets“) and current Reuben Award nominee for Best Newspaper Illustration division has a glowing write up in the Memphis Commercial Appeal. Advertisers target the entire spectrum of ages and social groups. And for ads that need to be fun or that target children, there’s no one better than Cravens, said Blaine […]

Jef Mallett’s Frazz celebrates 5 years

Jef Mallett’s Frazz will turn 5 years old on April 2. “Five years of Frazz is wonderful, but I think it says more about my readers than it does about me,” Mallett said. “I started this strip with the conceit that readers were smarter than a lot of features were assuming, and I’ve layered the […]

Digital Funnies to preserve early comics

Found a link to the Digital Funnies today from the Drawn! blog. The attempt of the Digital Funnies is to perserve collections of very early comics. There’s definitely some great treasures in there – worth you time. Welcome to Digital Funnies, dedicated to preserving the history of this most neglected of art forms and reintroducing […]

Masters of American Comics exhibit set to travel

I know I’ve mentioned in passing before, but this story reminds me post something new. The Masters of American Comics exhibit that is wrapping up in Los Angeles will be hitting the road to other select cities in the U.S. Next up is Milwaukee (April 27-Aug 13) then on to New York and New Jersey. […]


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